Perfect gif and comment are perfect.
Perfect gif and comment are perfect.
Leo, I know that it's your face, and you can do what you like with it, but, please, honey.... no. This beard is..... no. This is not a good look for you. Ultimately, it's none of my business, I know, but.... wow.
Really? Nobody talks about it? Nobody recognizes this as an issue? As a problem? That's patently false. It gets lots of discussion. Just because the problems facing men are not the focus of THIS discussion doesn't mean those problems don't get discussed. They do. And often. On this very site, in fact.
This isn't a child being ill behaved. This is a child being a child. I'm fine with adults wanting to have spaces of their own, and a fashion show is not a place for a child that young, but there is a huge difference between an ill behaved child and a child simply being a child in a situation that is beyond her…
Let's be honest, sometimes those of us who aren't virgins STILL have no idea. I certainly didn't, until a few months ago.
*clears throat*. PUPPEHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Uma's make-up artist: No, people really don't understand what a huge difference make-up can create for a person's face. Nor do they understand what a huge difference doing make-up differently can create. Which is why they constantly feel the need to comment on and pass judgement on women because of their…
This is the sort of thing I do for my friends all the time. that may be why I have none....
So, in other words, Lana has been his girlfriend from "Oh, she doesn't go here, I met her at camp" since High School?
you're adorable. Really.
have you spit enough bile yet, or did you need to do some more? Yes, you stated an opinion. But you stated it in such a way that you invited argument. If you don't like the argument you're getting from multiple sources, I suggest you fuck off, you troll.
Actually, this is just part of the service to make it more realistic. Just this morning I blocked a guy's number because we broke up three weeks ago but he has texted me a couple of times every day since, even though I haven't responded to anything he sent after the first week. Albert just still wants to be friends.
Awwwww, would you like those kids to get off your lawn, too?
I know. I love her to pieces, and realizing that was her just solidified my huge crush.
We will sit on the front porch of the general store, sipping our lemonade with mint leaves, rocking gently in the jasmine-scented breeze, as our great-grandchildren gather 'round our feet and beg to hear again the great epic, The Asseid.
Let the Prince Charles/Miss Money Sterling fanfiction commence!
I would invite pretty deer to come and lick it, of course
It's spelled K-E-I-R-A because
Greatest judgment.
But, Kanye, you're so pretty when you smile! Why don't you smile more? Come on, darlin', just one little smile?