Not a chance.
Not a chance.
It's illegal. But I had just given birth and my asshole husband didn't want to deal with it and wouldn't let me consult a lawyer.
I knew it was illegal. But my husband didn't want to deal with it or even consult a lawyer and I was in that wigged-out just given birth phase.
It is. But to do so would have been a huge nightmare, my husband didn't want to deal with it, and I had just given birth.
No, it's not legal. But sueing would have been a nightmare. Which is why companies can get away with shit like this.
*Hermione hand raising .gif*
Thanks for the reminder, Burt. Not that it makes a diff for me, since I'll never be out of the greys here, but we need to work on retraining ourselves to leave the trolls where they belong. *awesome Burt Reynolds giving thumbs up and hat tip and being generally awesome .gif*
How much longer do I have to hold this glass? Are you done taking the picture yet? OH THANK GOD! OK, it's empty, gimme another and keep 'em coming, but the real thing this time, no more of this bathwater.
When I saw the headline, my first thought was, "DOES GHOSTBOOBS KNOW ABOUT THIS!? SHE'S GOING TO BE SO HAPPY!" Love is alive, my dear crackhead. Love is alive. May this bring you a moment of joy in an otherwise shitty summer.
I would have less hatred for the greys if there had ever been some kind of feeling that if I just met x, y, and z criteria I could get out. But there was no process. It was extremely disheartening.
It was extremely disheartening. If you were in the greys, you knew that you HAD to comment within seconds of an article being posted in order for your comment to be seen. There was no process by which you could get out. No number of starred comments to hit or anything, and it just meant that I stopped reading and…
How about you not judge how others work?
NO. Seriously. As someone who has been a regular commenter for years, I never made it out of the greys, and that sucks. That's not the solution.
What do people think when they see a hot dog?"
Dan. But only if his white terrorist buddies call him "Danny Boy" and slap him on the back as they laugh heartily about the poor saps who lose oxygen on the lunar surface and suffocate.
No crew member should ever come on duty in a ginger toupee, right?
*sigh* You don't need religion to be a sexually repressed idiot. There was no need to bring that in.