Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

No one said that. Ever. Just because it's not the point of this particular set of drawings doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It does, and it deserves just as much recognition as any form of abuse.

Yeah..... I'm not sure he's really turned it around. He hid it far too well for too long for me to believe that he can just stop like he claims to have done. I don't think he has stopped. I think he's just learned to cover it up better. For now. But that never lasts.

I think that you are an ass. Look at us all with our opinions.

Inorite? Stupid make-up. Women who actually have intelligence and respect for themselves don't mess with that shit.

There are always going to be plenty of people who don't think he was really abusive and don't think the addiction was really such a big deal, and by golly isn't he isn't he over that now? But then, those are the same people who could have seen the hand-shaped bruises that graced my upper thighs pretty much constantly

And this is why I love you. Teach me your ways. Your ability to smack down the bastards is always inspiring.

But often not even then. Because I didn't have physical bruises (at least, not that anyone was going to see in public) people still don't believe that I was abused. I am still that bitch who left for no reason. The one who abandoned him when he needed me most.

I am thrilled that we are getting more and more models standing up and not wanting to be 'shopped and with more natural make-up. Because you see those pics up there? She's wearing make-up. And plenty of it. We absolutely need to encourage companies who show more realistic representations of women in their ads.

I know that feel.

It doesn't. Those of us who have been victims of emotional abuse get no recognition, no recourse, and no voice.

While I agree that the reimagining of Disney princesses has been overdone, I do think that in this particular case it's justified and spot on. This is actually thought-provoking and if it helps someone realize that they DO have the power to get out of an abusive situation, then it's worth it.

Oh, Andy, honey, no. This is not a thing you should be doing. Please just go back to judging potential West End stars on tv with John Barrowman. Please. Really. I'm begging. Didn't John stroke your ego enough? Because he seems like a very able ego-stroker.

They are made of the congealed tears of a thousand thousand chefs from the Sorbonne.

What is "Donkey Sauce"? Because right now I'm imagining that it's what you get at the end of a donkey show. And I do not want that on my food, thank you.

I love sinful colors! Mostly for the names of the colors. It's all about the NAME.

I bet this guy's favorite joke is: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. Someone else already told her twice.



They are both so distinctly different characters, but fully rounded and awesome.

As long as I get to be Tegan. No, Nyssa. No, I CAN'T DECIDE I LOVE THEM BOTH