Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

The fact that they are fictional and not emotionally healthy people doesn't make your comment any less BS. You seem to be saying that because Cersei is a strong woman she would never "allow" Jaime to rape her. This is the same as saying that a rape victim would not have been raped if he/she had just been a stronger

There may be some validity to your point that Cersei has made pretending to refuse sex while actively encouraging it part of foreplay with Jaime, and that kind of thing can certainly make a partner less likely to understand a real refusal for what it is.

I do love that it's "New for Easter!" Watch out, Peter Cottontail!

Seamus Heaney's. But since you can't actually get that one anywhere, Fagles.

Hodor hodor. Hodor?

I was really expecting some kind of play on his giant gun and his average gun.... I mean, really, I'm just disappointed. If I can't count on Burt for my dick jokes, on what can I depend?

note to self: if shiny ever finds another human willing to do sexy times with her, he/she must be willing to laugh at self and sex this much. And also bring donuts.

Smalltown, America. It's a wondrous thing.

There are certainly similarities. Sadly, we have no Leslie Knope to hold us together.

There is even a Little Debbie look-alike contest. It is amazing.

The next town over has a little Debbie factory. We also have a Hershey factory. Every year, we have a festival celebrating the high calorie gastronomic excesses we produce. They give away masses of free product. I ONLY take the pecan spin wheels and star crunches from the little Debbie booth. I load up at the Hershey

The mahogany line is from the Hunger Games. It's not actually uttered in the scene that's in the gif.

Irrelevant. Inserting male opinions on our bodies into our own conversations about our bodies is a serious problem. If I were on a site which dealt primarily with men's issues and a man wrote a post about loving his small penis, and I dismissed his struggle with a comment about how I just LOVE small penises, that

Don't you mean, "BROpocalypse"?

Oh, see, he's just confused. He's thinking of how David danced naked before the Lord. Clearly, what he meant to say was that all men in the congregation should come to services naked.

And all this time I've been bathing in the blood of virgins. Do you know how many virgins it takes to fill a bath? And how expensive they are? Apples are going to be a real break for my pocketbook.

Beat me to it.