Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

And yet, I'll bet you a WHOLE DOLLAR they all knew that Mercury was in retrograde last week.

Does Daisy Steiner count?

I had big plans for tonight, Madeleine. BIG. PLANS. They involved Supernatural, a bottle of wine, nail polish, and lots of junk food. BUT I CANNOT GET MY CAR OUT. Which makes procuring the junk food and booze difficult. BUT I PERSEVERE.

Dearest Burt, I would like to commend you on your restraint for not making an "achy breaky hip" joke. Such self control deserves great respect.

And, bottom line, many people remain obese because they are depressed because of being obese. Break that cycle, help them learn to love themselves, and they often start making physically healthier choices on their own. I've seen it far too often. I've experienced it myself. Shaming people about their size helps NO

Dalek hugs are always welcome in my world. :)

Group hug! Everybody pile on!

You have been nothing but helpful in this discussion. I am always grateful for your input. Hugs. Sometimes, people just don't want the actual explanation if it doesn't fit their schema. We see it here all the time. But I thank you for helping me adjust my language and the way I think about so many of these issues.

No, it's not arrogant to ask that one be addressed by the correct title. IT is not arrogance for an academic to ask to be addressed as "Doctor" or "Professor" instead of "Mister," "Ms." or "Teacher" by students. This is the same kind of thing. She is reminding the staffers what her correct title is so that when

Most teenagers aren't able to work more than 10-15 hours per week, anyway. Their pay is used for all manner of things, including insurance and educational expenses as well as merchandise, all of which help the economy. It also relieves the burden on their parents, who are then able to use their money in other areas.

That is a dedicated gynocologist to give a pre-wedding virginity exam in the woods like that. Luckily, American women can get this service, provided free of charge by the closest republican politician.

All the Sailor Moon for you, dear lady.

No, no. It is sad enough for being called a peen. We really don't need to add injury to insult.

I suggest a trampoline. Much better for the jumping upon than peen.

I'm on the Hydra Diet. Unfortunately, for each pound I lose, I grow two more in its place.

I'm going to leave aside the fact that a woman can be on birth control and take all manner of precautions against getting pregnant and STILL GET PREGNANT, and that many women STILL do not have access to reliable, affordable birth control.

YAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!! KYOSUKE!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I didn't know that backstory. Yeah. Definitely a bit on the insensitive side.

I get very tired of the people who assume that all low-wage workers are teenagers whose parents are paying their expenses. Or retired people who don't really need the money, they just want something to keep them busy. Or, my personal favorite: housewives who just need something to do while the kids are at school.