Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

Lindy, you are amazing and wonderful and strong. Thank you so much for not being in the shadows and for sharing your voice and experiences with us. If you ever feel down, please go and read this post from Groupthink a couple months ago. Because we love you.

I am so thankful to know which colors of lingerie are sexiest, so I can be sure to wear them in the workplace and insure that promotion. Thanks, dude!

A neon sign flashing above her head that says, "Look! I'm Black! Trust Me!" Other than that, I got nothin.


Supercuts: Great time-waster, or THE GREATEST time waster?

Excuse me. I just have some dust in my eye. And I'm cutting onions. And it's raining on my face.

Ah! You beat me to the comment. I mean really, what could be better on your 21st birthday than a little strip tease?

I am extremely jealous of her and her lovely lips and the fact that all of those very different shades look gorgeous with her skin. My thin lips and I always look bizarre in anything other than pink. Just pink.

We will doggedly continue in our quest for purdy nails. DAMN THE TORPEDOES!!!

But, I just started! It can't die yet!

Not weird. I totally get it. I like 'em like this, too. All cuddly.

If that schnitzel wasn't with noodle, it doesn't count.

For you, there will be white doves.

I want to take this story on a tour of California Wine Country. I want to run towards it in slow motion through a field of daisies. I want to feed it champagne and strawberries under a full moon in a hot tub. I love it that much.

a room filled with women who are dressed perfectly in Lululemon

This is not attractive. This looks like a diaper with a load in it.

He is a wonder.

When asked for comment, Jupiter said, "I used to be the top guy, you know? I had a planet. But now, I don't know. Nobody cares about Rome anymore. It's all Greece this and Greek that. If I'd known, back then, what I know now, I would have concentrated more on creating a healthy, filling, dairy snack than on the

The shot of Joe Biden nodding in agreement is hilarious. Uncle Joe is down with a little Bubba.