Shinigami Apple Merchant

I think you’d be surprised just how much of a cultural moment JK Rowling’s attack on transpeople was for younger people, at least in the UK (trans-rights in the last two-three years has basically become the major generation dividing issue in terms of social views in the UK now).

It’s not ok when a 21 year old guy does it, or a 40 year old guy or an 80 year old guy. It isn’t ok or ‘cute’. keep your hands to yourselves; train yourselves to stop making sexual innuendoes.

Eh, watched him on a celebrity D&D game last year and my god was he annoying. Just trying way too hard and riffing too damn much, which, I get it, he’s a writer/comedian, but it was a virtual thing so multiple people can’t really speak at once and he was constantly steamrolling the other players and the DM. The other

Better now while he’s still around to appreciate them.

“How was your weekend?”

Damn. I hate that he didn’t get to have a comeback or one last great role.

Sad, but not exactly a surprise.

Toxic Masculinity and femininity is the problem here.

That’s a good point. And now that you mention Henry Cavill, I wonder if background misogyny might also play a part. It’s probably easier for Henry Cavill to be open about his nerdiness, since he’s 1. younger, and 2. a man. I’d expect society at large—and especially the appearance-obsessed film industry and its rabid

Because, despite what you may hear to the contrary, it still isn’t cool to be a nerd in mainstream America.

He doesn’t have to regret a thing. He’s Nicolas fucking Cage, OK?

All she has to do is play her character from Yellowjackets and she’ll be spookier than anyone else on the show

Without fail, every workplace or community I’ve been a part of where “people can speak their minds freely” has become toxic and abusive, usually with the leaders directly contributing to that. “Free speech” is often the bulwark they use to defend being an asshole, and allowing others to be assholes so they can laugh

I’ve been playing The Last Cube. It’s a puzzler in the vein of Portal or Q.U.B.E., albeit in third person. It can be a bit finicky, but its mechanics are clever, and the puzzles are well designed. I’m only about a third of the way through, though, and I haven’t even unlocked all the mechanics yet, so there’s probably

I haven’t been around much lately because of a lot of personal shit (short version: I’m now a widower thanks to a “non-traumatic brain hemorrhage”) but I still lurk.

It’s very hard to think on one’s feet in these situations because they happen quickly, but I think the more we think about the possibility of things like this happening around us, the better prepared we’ll be to protect people. I worry about everyone, but especially about my parents (Asians, both in their eighties), an

I wish she stabbed him and took his soul.

Don’t forget the most wholesome guy of all. Ryan Creamer (His name has a Creamer on it!)

Just wanted to pop in here and say thank you again to everyone who’s read and commented on these columns over the years! You’re a very smart, insightful, funny bunch and it’s been so nice to share a little rom-com corner of the internet with you all over the years.