Shinigami Apple Merchant

I was watching Picket Fences recently—I’m not sure why, but I just started the pilot one day and then it became my go-to during weightlifting at home.

When you someone ‘Eat It.

Where’s Enrico Palazzo when you need him?

Reggie Jackson’s mission is finally complete.

Shut the fuck up snowflake

Yeah I get it completely. It’s just frustrating getting lumped in with the rural parts of Florida. One reason why I chose to make Orlando home is that the LGBTQ+ community is actually quite vibrant here. The biggest event in town is our Come Out With Pride parade, which is always a great time, and we actually have one

Orlando is actually very liberal ( my district in downtown Orlando went for Biden by a roughly 80-20 margin), but I don’t blame them for avoiding FL in general. DeSantis sucks, and the redneck parts of the state tend to outvote us in the cities. 

The Boys coverage tends to focus on Antony Starr and Karen Fukuhara’s incredible performances, but Erin Moriarty has done phenomenal work as Starlight. In the first season her character has to be brutalized, exploited, and silenced but Erin still plays her with agency and driving her own story. That’s a tough line to

Even The Rock is super happy for Brendan!

It’s my contention that Brendan Fraser should get a 6-minute standing ovation essentially any time he enters a room, but maybe that’s just me.

I’ve spent hours playing War in Middle Earth on a Atari ST it was my first foray into strategy games.

There was also a wide range of personalities that completely changed the tenor of the show depending on the scene. So, if say, you were bored by the super seriousness of Dany’s scenes, you’d go to those spunky Stark girls and then all the cynical machinations in King’s Landing. Every character here so far are just

I’ve noticed this trend too across all of AV Club. The “reviews” are more like recaps. Not much insight into what is going on, or about underlying themes - and as you mentioned, really no expertise about the source material.

Also, his discussion with Rhaenyra indicates that he’s looking for someone kind who can bring a sense of warmth to both their lives. Otto may have wanted Alicent to seduce him the old fashioned way but (whether intentional or not) Alicent won him over by helping him through his grief and having the dragon mended seems

This is all the AV Club is now, a pale imitation of its old self. Been the case for a decent bit of time now. It’s utterly depressing and I’d be delighted to find another site that had that sort of quality of writing these days

I miss the days of Newbie and Expert reviews for GoT on the AV Club, because they would actually, ya know, review and analyze the show and were written by people who had a clear interest in the material they were tasked with reviewing. If this is all we’re getting then what reason do I have to come here after I

Yeah even Brienne - who was very serious - would occasionally comment on the utter stupidity of the people around her. 

The lack of any levity is going to be a problem.  The most beloved characters in Game of Thrones, like Davos or Tormund, were very witty and entertaining alongside being serious.  Its what made me frankly root for them to survive, because they didn't just brood all day.  Those two were also probably the least damaged

I got a Reboot notification for this?