Shinigami Apple Merchant

Way more teenagers think anime is cool now than in previous generations. This will happen again for sure.

While the American pilot of Sailor Moon isn’t as culturally significant as, say, Nosferatu, this story emphasizes the importance of independently-run archives to preserve works that were buried or destroyed by their rights holders. Especially with our digital products being stored largely on remote cloud servers owned

IT’S OVER 9 MILLION (more dollars)!

On a somewhat tangential route, there's currently a wrestler in WWE who's gimmick is that she's Sailor Moon. The wrestlers name is Sarray.

Can we somehow request Batgirl from The Library of Congress as well?

If there’s any other story I want told out of all the background characters in Ferris Bueller, it’s this guy:

Sesame Street points out that monsters are fine and good.

David Zaslav is a monster and must be stopped at all costs.

These folks would permanently wipe all footage of the civil rights marches and speeches from the face of the Earth if it would boost this quarter’s profit numbers, so making Sesame Street inaccessible is no sweat to them.

I am just enjoying the fact that my mind is savouring the whole of the series as opposed to feeling sad it’s over. I’m still thinking about it. I absolutely loved it. It was monumental. For me, it absolutely surpassed its parent series and that was clear early on. I’ve yet to watch any episode twice, but I will be

How does any of it actually do anything?

“How does any of it do anything?” Jimmy realises that the only way he has an outside chance of winning back Kim’s love or respect is to do what she did and be honest about what he’d done.

Cheryl can sue Kim no matter what Jimmy says. It makes no difference to the suit whether he lies or tells the truth. If he lies he

Indeed. I think it’s telling, too, that Jimmy remembers how even Walt had his number (“So you were always like this.”).

Oh, could be. By “take Walt’s side on everything” I was thinking more of how much shit Skyler (and Anna Gunn) seemed to always get from some of the more toxic members of the fandom.

Because I’m not a professional fiction writer, I might have had Jimmy’s world break out into glorious color when he saw Kim in prison. (Did anyone else initially think that because of her hair and identification as a lawyer that we had a significant time jump of Jimmy spending years in prison?). But, I’m glad Gould

What was really great about this episode was Mike’s goodbye to the series which i’m glad we got. That he regretted becoming who he was and recognized that his lifestyle, his corrupt cop life, is what got his son killed. He wishes he could take it all back and and how that connected with his final scene with Papa

I think it was also fitting how Saul remembers the worst parts of Walt. It's stark contrast to Jesse remembering a largely happy meeting with Walt in the ending of el camino. Saul has good reason to remember to worst of Walter. Jesse had his issues with Walter, but he also had a lot of good left in his memories. 

Kim was the one juror Jimmy needed to convince. Saul utters one last “It’s showtime!” (à la All That Jazz) shortly before giving a word-for-word encore of his earlier performance to convince the prosecutor that Saul had a chance at a hung jury, then he zigs instead of zags and begins his confession to the judge—but

He turned the clock back to being Jimmy, by turning 7 years into 86. He really did it: he built a time machine.