Shinigami Apple Merchant

I will say, while I appreciate any lack of histrionics over the Future of the A.V. Club As We Know It!! (and imagine it has served the old-new guard well, ha), I would point out that past incidences of major exodus were either because a bunch of writers left together to start The Dissolve, or a few instances where

at least in the days before Kinja decimated the site’s robust commenting culture

Yeah, it seems like Charlize was trying to use whatever power she had as a lead actor to stand up for the cast and crew. Yelling may not be professional, but it’s understandable in this case.

Given the scope of this production, just showing up late is a massive fuck you to all involved. It wasn’t a bunch of people hanging on a sound stage, it was hundreds out in the desert shooting insanely precise scenes. He comes off as nothing more than a massive prick all around. I’m generally a fan, so this is

Theron’s description of the events paired with her apology (because of course she’s apologizing) sets you up for typical “actors being fussy dickheads with each other” nonsense, but it really does seem like Tom Hardy was a completely inconsiderate asshole who revelled in disrespecting the cast and crew by wasting

She’s pretty clear that his response, running up to her to ask what she said (a common way to start a physical fight), was what made her feel unsafe.

This is somewhat worse than I thought regarding Tom Hardy’s unprofessionalism & George Miller enabling it. Charlize Theron if anything is somewhat generous about this in an interview on the Fury Road blu ray, saying that while she usually “isn’t very method” some days shooting when their characters were supposed to be

You are doing the Lord’s work.

Arthur Branch: ‘As an archconservative good-ole boy with a Tennessee drawl, I was an obvious choice to run for district attorney of Manhattan.’

I hereby envoke the rule that AVC’s legendary L&O fake episode thread be reposted in this comment section.

I hope every episode is Sam Watterson trying to figure out which robot murdered an old person to steal their medicine, and nothing else.

I don’t ask for much, universe, but please: Keep Cavill away from NFTs. 

Please for the love of god don’t let there be any bullshit with Henry Cavill. Dude seems like the most genuine nice guy and that picture at the top of the article shows how happy he makes people 

On PS4 turn off the motion blur, it’s dreadful.

I think what Simon has that those other guys don’t is the hard journalism background. His projects always feel meticulously researched and have a deep sense of been rooted in a real physical place where he’s been trained to see relationships between vastly different subcultures. His shows cast a wide net and attempt

I wish Nintendo put half the effort into preserving old games that they put into grinding into dust people who try to do it for them when they refuse. I get protecting your IP is important, but if you can’t be bothered to sell something anymore and people still want it, just make it officially available for free or

Even GOG doesn’t preserve them as well as they should, sadly. Too many of their offerings don’t work properly out of the metaphorical box and need to be modded.

Yes some history was lost to us, and thats a TRAGEDY. It’s not a good thing we don’t have more examples of medopotamian toys. It's not a matter of making more. This is like saying eh what if we lost half of Picassos paintings it doesn't matter well make more. Ridiculous 

Unfortunately yes.

Nintendo purposely ended Virtual Console so that your purchases do not transfer over. They locked everything behind a sub to Switch Online, where you can’t buy/download any of the games, just rent.