Shinigami Apple Merchant

Chappelle’s claim that the town council was trying to making him “audition” is the kind of smug peevishness that seems to characterize his personality these days.  By “audition,” he meant that the town council did not automatically give him what he wanted, and instead treated him like he was one of many citizens of

It also sounds like the kinds of excuses NIMBYers always make: “I love affordable housing, just not this particular affordable housing development that happens to be IMBY.” There’s always some complaint—it’s in the wrong style, it obstructs someone’s view, that parking lot is a historic landmark, etc.—that offers a

That exact same argument has been used for decades (if not centuries) to keep out some “undesired” class, whether it be Blacks, Jews, or poor people. It’s a bullshit argument. Aesthetics are not more important than people.

When people oppose affordable housing, they often do it for reasons other than distaste for poorer people. Instead, they raise the kinds of concerns Chappelle is voicing here: the development is not consistent with the character of the neighborhood, or it won’t be aesthetically pleasing, or it will increase traffic,

PC had some fun FMV games,   the key was to make a good game and then use the FMV for cut scenes and such.  Trying to make the game use the FMV for the actual game aspect always sorta failed.  Wing Commander 3 and 4 were great and Privateer 2 was great for just how weird of a game it was.  Not sure if it was the 90s

In recent years Wales Interactive have been making lots of FMV titles. Mostly okay, but there are some really good ones. There are also the semi-FMV with Her Story, Telling Lies, and a bunch of video clip collection games.


Doesn’t sound like she’ll be publishing them here (which is a bummer but I certainly don’t blame her). Hope she does so somewhere, though.

What I want to know is, are we going to get the conclusion to a long series of Breaking Bad - today Donna Bowman penned (and publish-worthy) reviews? Or has the herbaceous one forced us to deal with some random new reviewer for the final season. That would suck. A lot.

I didn’t love the SOLO we got, and I’ve enjoyed several Lord/Miller projects. But I had the opportunity to speak with someone who worked fairly high up on SOLO and asked him, “Listen, I know you can’t say really talk about it, and I don’t expect any details, but tell me this: did Lord and Miller *need* to go?” He

No Pig? Some kind of issue with the timing, or something?

My go-to word is ADIEU just to get most of the vowels in or out.

Speaking of open-world games, I’ve been playing Halo Infinite, which is the kind of open-world game I like: no crafting or bullshit extra mechanics; just story content, side content, and a very basic upgrade system. I don’t know if I’d say the mechanics are the best they’ve ever been — the dual-wielding of Halos 2 and

We’re always told to shoot for the Moon. But what happens when the Moon
for US?

Anyway, this sounds a lot less fun than an adaptation of Neal Stephenson’s batshit scifi novel Seveneves, which has the all-time classic opening line hook: ‘The moon blew up suddenly and without warning.’

Idk about a second chance, at least in the world of guitar hero. The apology doesn't really come off as humbled to me, it comes off as someone wanting to remove all evidence of getting caught so they can move on and pretend that it didn't happen. Ie the ego that led them to cheat, is also leading them to delete

That’s... actually one of the more gracious ways to admit cheating I’ve ever seen. Admitting, deleting all the fake stuff, and paying back the money. Deleting the socials is probably a wise decision for his own sake. More people should do that regardless of admission of guilt.

“The American experience [with racism and bigotry] is based on skin.

this man really surfed the PR wave and came out on top. good for him, he had a crusher of a year and if i’m reading the internet correctly he got the most applause and laughs out of nwh (rang true at my screening).

Not that this makes it any better of an idea, but...that’s pretty much how the novel ended. More because of a foreshadowed failure in the protagonist’s bomb-making (“Paraffin has never, ever worked for me”) than the brilliance of the authorities, but nothing blows up and the narrator ends up in an asylum.