Shinigami Apple Merchant

As sad as this is, I’m glad she never seemed to enter a period of prolonged and extreme decline like so many people her age do. She lived long and died quickly, and that’s basically the dream.

I’m starting to think this is never going to turn into a prequel series for Cheers.

Yeah last week I was thinking Pica, but as I said taking the two things meant to protect them from the wolves is too much of a coincidence for me. Especially because I don’t think Taissa even really knew that the bone necklace was meant to allow Van to save herself.

Adam’s working with someone, but I don’t think it’s Callie. I think the season ending twist will be that Caligula does know how to use the phone, and he’s been behind the whole thing.

I feel the show is back on track after some shaky bits after the pilot, it works best when the girls are together even when they are adults.

I don’t know if I’m an outlier, but I’m less interested in the mystery/supernatural element (especially the latter: god help us if this goes the route of Lost) than in watching the relationships between the characters develop. The acting on this show is phenomenal. 

Regarding Adam, one theory I’ve heard that is rather interesting, is that he’s in partnership with Callie, who has been shown to be a snoop, and may have been the one who intercepted Shauna’s postcard. Maybe there is an icky lover situation going on, and she’s hoping to get the money to run off with Adam to the city.

Random Thoughts:

Pica - eating things that are not food, like dirt. Its also associated with mental illness like depression, schizophrenia and OCD. Its possible that she blacks out with traumatic stress. Like seeing wolves approaching your campsite then just grabbing the bone and flare gun and climbing the nearest tree in some kind of

We’ve already repeatedly seen Nat bring back deer and feed everyone. She’s one of two hunters? I kinda thought that would be enough to justify the “she’s the reason we’re here” loyalty but you’re right, there’s probably an event.

-Interesting when Jackie confronted Shauna about what’s up with her, she tells her to “spill”.

I’m still 50/50 on this show. I’m very intrigued by the mystery, what happens to the characters we haven’t seen adult versions of yet, and the acting and twists have been great. I’m not entirely in love with the dialogue (it gets a little too cliché at times), and I actually find the confirmation that supernatural

They’ve already shown Nat hunting and providing for the survivors.

I’m assuming it’s some sort of wolf deity that possesses her. 

Yeah, there were so many super-dumb moments in this episode that were based on — as mentioned — plot-mechanics that it was hard to stay interested.

So, is it just me, or was I slow on the uptake here? I just realized that the sheriff has a lot of resemblence to Deb. Similar narrow build and narrow face, dark hair falling straight down, etc. I wonder if it’s intentional, or just happenstance in casting. Or maybe a bit of both...they noticed the similarities and

1.) Given how much time Kurt spent grooming Harrison, with Kevin Spacey-level “your dad will never appreciate you like I would” gaslighting, I started to wonder if the story was going to go in a different direction.   Really, the resolution with him trying to kill Harrison was something of a relief.

I think it for sure has to be possession or something similar to that.  Way too much has happened way too soon to assume everything on this show could be attributed to mental illness.  Also I can’t think of a condition that would make people black out and eat dirt and climb trees which she does in the past and

Harrison just doesn’t have muck luck around exercise machines!