Shinigami Apple Merchant

I’m really looking forward to finally sinking my teeth into Halo Infinite. I want to clear out my backlog a bit first. I haven’t even started The Good Life, which I backed on Kickstarter! But I really like what I’ve seen of the new Halo; it seems right up my alley, and from what I’ve read, it’s a good mixture of

Too little setup, too little time spent on consequences, and character motivations which were muddled by the compressed timeline. Dany’s descent made sense conceptually, but not two episodes after her selflessness in the fight against the white walkers, which itself seemed to go from the biggest existential threat the

It also makes no real sense within the context of the show itself, which was almost entirely white. Even then, many of the complaints were not about a couple not running off together, unless you count Brienne and Jaime, which is partly the show’s fault for rushing a sexual relationship between them and then ending it

Countless remakes prove that you can tell the exact same story to wildly different results. The problem was never with the plot beats (Dany, Jon, Bran and Arya’s respective “moments”), it was with their execution.

It was never about who will sit on the throne. It was always about ice zombies and how little of a threat they actually are when you’re in the final battle.

I don’t think anyone had a problem with when it ended.

“Oh, yawn, here’s meta-commentary about how this will go as a bunch of idiots argue about their obvious opinions.

I appreciated your reviews. I love Trek, and I like this show enough to watch every week. I always feel some way after an episode and these reviews helped me sort out what I felt and why. I understand what I love (and don’t love) about Trek much better than I used to, which is pretty cool.

Thanks for saying that!

I’ve appreciated Handlen’s Discovery reviews. They remind me of “classic” A.V. Club - in depth, and actually critical. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of the folks still watching this show would prefer fanboy patter.

Ah, so a regular cat then. I’m glad she’s OK.

Her name is Grudge, and Grudge is a queen and has people who will kill to protect her honour

I’ve never seen the show (I will at some point probably), but I want to know what happened to the cat in the picture. Is the cat OK? I need to know if the cat is OK.

I hope we get to see the alternate Christine who survived the car crash in the What If...? episode instead of Strange and became a sorcerer.  

It’s also a charmingly realistic take on combat. Everyone else is a lithe, svelte world champion martial artist with superpowers, and (until now) Kingpin’s superpower is just... he’s fucking big dude, and he’s reeeaally angry. Which I think is frightening to the audience in a much more visceral way. It’s one thing to

There is an image of her, alongside America Chavez, wearing something a bit like a sorcerer outfit, so she might play an alternate universe Christine(my guess, the reverse of What If..she lost strange in that car accident and sought magic to bring him back)...or maybe MCU Christine discovers some magic, herself. My

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While I enjoyed the episode more than the reviewer, my overall complaint is that only six episodes left me wanting more. More time to let the stories and relationships build and play out. More resolution with Yelena. And above all more Kate Bishop! It felt like we barely got to experience her.

The parts with Yelena and Clint were great. The end with Clint’s family was good. The Avengers musical was funny. The rest was very disappointing. I’m tempted to call it a disaster. Instead of Die Hard, we got Die Hard 5.