Shinigami Apple Merchant

I have been doing a Saul rewatch, and listened to an episode of The Ringer podcast where they interviewed Tony Dalton re Bad Choice Road.

On a positive note, at least the Yelena/Kate dynamic continued to be superfun even if I was a bit annoyed that Kate was able to hold her own against Yelena. Although I guess it can be kind of handwaved away and the show’s approach to skill levels has been odd as well. The chemistry was still there.


It’s a while since I watched the show where the drop from the first half to the second half was as steep as here. The writing was just idiotic, they introduced just random stuff at the last moment and didn’t pay off a single mystery established in the beginning. Like the Rolex because the Tracksuit mafia specifically

He probably watched the news 2016-2020 and realized if he does as much illegal shit as he can they’ll be too confused to arrest him.

I just find it hilarious that Fisk lectures Maya about keeping a low profile yet decides to kill Eleanor himself and implicate himself with the Tracksuit Mafia and Armand’s death.

Will they give Rachel McAdams something useful to do? She’s such a great actress, and Christine was... mostly superfluous other than as an outlet for Strange’s pain in the first film (which I enjoyed overall). If she’s just in a few brief “what if” moments I will be annoyed (although I can also appreciate that maybe

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At one point in Spaceballs, the characters watch themselves on a VHS tape of the movie they are currently making so they know where to go next.

I always thought that was their homage to old stupid but fun sci fi and fantasy books for kids, the kid that haven’t been written since Hunger Games and Twilight made the YA genre all about angst. It is a really fun movie but like Speed Racer it seems made for some alternate dimension where tastes are different and

It's a pretty underrated movie. There's some great Terry Gilliam-esque scenes with the interstellar bureaucracy.

Man I miss those days. I miss those days when the reviews actually talked about the spoilers and content of the movie too. This one does to an extent, but so many of the reviews nowadays keep things super vague. If I wanted simple “should I go see this movie” score, I’d check sites like rotten tomatoes or whatever.

Meta commentary has grown tired, in my opinion. Spaceballs did it best, and the last time I think I enjoyed it was in 22 Jump Street. It seems to work best in comedies, but WB seems to be struggling with the whole “haha look at us, mining our IP for cash!” meta-angle, since it’s not as cute as they want us to think it

I’m not sure you can call it a cheap shot if the film itself implies this as strongly as this reviewer and others are saying. It’s possible for a creator to be of two minds about their own work (i.e. Trinity and Neo could be incredibly comforting a movie Lana really didn’t want to make).

Seriously, this website used to relentlessly mock the people who clicked on reviews and then complained about spoilers and sometimes I miss those days............

Surely given the subject matter of the film, the grade should have been C++?

His name was in the headlines, and seemingly for the first time in my book. I never watched Sex and the City, and never really cared to, but became aware of Noth after his character was killed off after a scene of him riding a Peloton bike. This got Peloton thinking of ways to reshape the narrative... and bring in

You might want to add in a 4th. It’s a sticking point to some. But I personally felt Spielberg went overboard in making it feel authentic and respectful by not including subtitles for the spanish dialogue. How is it disrespectful? I’m Puerto Rican/Italian. And if I were on any movie and Spielberg or any director assure

I think West Side Story had three things working against it:

There are many articles talking about the success of Spiderman and the failure of other movies that aren’t part of the superhero franschise. Spielberg’s failure of West Side Story. Del Toro’s Nightmare Alley. Other movies made for cinematic purposes that Ridley Scott will be shaming everyone for not watching real art.