Shinigami Apple Merchant

That shot of her in the cabin that made it appear as if she has antlers coming from her head sealed it for me.

So Lottie is definitely the girl under the veil in the pilot episode, right? That shot of her in the cabin that made it appear as if she has antlers coming from her head sealed it for me. My guess is she’s going to do something prescient that will appear to save the group and because of that, enough of the girls will

It is not an oversight. The show is being internationally broadcast across many different channels and platforms. I trust the global readership of The A.V. Club are able to google their own broadcasting information.

Yep, Dexter was always the smartest person in any room but in this season he just seems dumb as a box of rocks at times and it’s annoying. I do like the actor playing Harrison though, think he’s doing a great job with the weak material he’s been given.

I thought the keg thing was a great detail. He said he needed help moving stuff and probably let Harrison carry the bulk of the weight. Then after he delivered the message, he walked away with two kegs with no effort, showing he didn’t really need help. He was there to deliver a message.  Harrison didn’t pick up on it

“How did Kurt magically connect Dexter to his son’s death just because he found that his son’s body was disposed of in the incinerator?”

I have problems with this but can see how he got there. He knows Dexter was out at the time and driving from the direction of the incinerator. Dexter randomly showed up at the murder

How did Kurt magically connect Dexter to his son’s death just because he found that his son’s body was disposed of in the incinerator?

This was a damn good episode of Dexter.

It looked like there was a full piece of skin on the tooth not just skin cells. I think he was just commenting that, with time and weather, there might only be a few viable cells remaining for testing purposes.

That’s messed up, man.

that scene was so hard to watch... i never looked up coat hanger abortions. i just assumed one of the shoulders was used but they used a very sharp torn rod piece from a hanger which was way worse than what i had assumed. i was internally screaming.

Notice she lists Titanic, American Beauty, Bring it On and (partly visible) Ten Things I hate About You, all of which came out after the crash.  Bring it on dates to 2000.  This indicates that Jackie made it out of the woods, but died later.  Contextual clues indicates Shauna married Jeff around 2001-2002.  the timing

I pretty much agree with everything you said, except the previous episodes had just as many plot holes.

I think one of the fun questions is whether or not Misty is a baddie. She strikes me as a “moral monster” who can’t actually internalize the importance of other people’s inner lives or feelings. If that’s the case, she doesn’t have a ton of control over her own impulses: she’s kind of like a cuckoo’s chick, pushing

I lost it when Misty was blasting Phantom of the Opera in her car. Delightfully deranged.

This episode was a weird mixed bag, where the emotional beats mostly worked for me - Kurt’s statement and flashback, the podcaster’s moment of human sympathy, the chief’s regret, Harrison admitting that he remembers everything - but the plot points made no sense. How did he jump from the incinerator to Dexter being

It’s the confirmation of what we’ve all suspected, that Jackie didn’t come back from the wilderness and, unless there is a major plot twist, is dead.

I’ve been wondering if Shauna had the baby and named it after Jackie. Callie’s comment last week that Shauna and Jeff never talk about Jackie makes me think she is rescued with the baby and she died as a child when Callie was young.