Shinigami Apple Merchant

Not the last line in the film, but the last line in Spock’s arc up until then, from ST IV: The Voyage Home - ‘Tell her. . .I feel fine.’

Just so satisfying on so many levels.

It really is amazing how that incredibly simple line at the end of Iron Man elevates a nothing scene into a great one.  If he had said anything else, the movie would have ended flat.

Now playing

Now, you’re looking for the secret. But you won’t find it because, of course, you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.”

Now playing

“One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.”

Now playing

For comedy: Otto getting in one more exclamation of “ASSHOOOOLLLE!” as the plane takes off at the end of A Fish Called Wanda. Classic Otto.

You just listen to the old Pork Chop Express here now and take his advice on a dark and stormy night when the lightning’s crashin’ and the thunder’s rollin’ and the rain’s coming down in sheets thick as lead. Just remember what old Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and

Still chipping away at Genshin Impact. It’s clear to me that I haven’t been levelling up my weapons or talents enough, because I’m getting absolutely destroyed by this relatively simple Ritou Escape Plan quest. I don’t mind killing lots of enemies, because I’m good at tanking, healing, and avoiding damage, but having

Hand to heart, I’d planned to bring the whole conversation full circle with All-American Girl, but we ran out of time. I did send an email in the hopes of getting him to just send me a voice memo talking about it, but no luck. Ah, well, at least I tried...


Obviously it’s immaterial to the film portrayal of the character, but Wu in the book is an interesting contrast—Hammond’s focus on “what’s real” with the dinosaurs is harming their viability as a park attraction, and Wu’s the one trying to get the inflexible guy to bend. And then he gets eaten.

I don’t begrudge BD Wong the work, because even as a kid I wished Wu had gotten more to do (in the novel he gets ganked by some raptors on the rooftop, at the very least if someone shows up in a dino movie have him get killed by dinos), I just wish the return of Wu in Jurassic World hadn’t been in the service of the

And “I told him he is very disobedient dragon. For Joke.

As a piggyback, it’s also a potential indicator of OTHER skips throughout the game.

There is a hobby called “speedrunning”, which involves trying to complete a game quickly. Somebody speedrunning a game will have already played it to death and be looking for new challenges.

He was in The Freshman, and he had one line that cracked me up: “The lovely Tina.”

It is notable that Whiterose is a trans-woman who needs to appear as a cis-man. Not that it’s impossible to find a trans woman who would be both comfortable and able to appear as both male and female, but I can appreciate that it was more nuanced than just a cis man playing a trans woman. 

Seconded on the welcome return of WH in VA! And another great interview with another super-interesting interviewee.

Well, as nice as it is to see BD Wong return to the Jurassic Park series and in an expanded part at that (and it’s *very* nice and well deserved), I’m *thrilled* to see the return of Will Harris.

Yay, a Will Harris Random Roles, with someone who had a lot of interesting things to say!