Shinigami Apple Merchant

I remember seeing a clip of some talk show that Leslie Mann was on and she talked about what a crush she had on him in George of the Jungle (my wife emphatically agrees), and they brought him out as a surprise “reunion” and he just seemed so incredibly humble and genuinely nice. I’ve been a fan forever, and I really,

There’s an alternate timeline where all those stunts don’t fuck him up and where Philip Berk doesn’t grope him and I wonder, in that timeline, what his arc would have been.

It’s 100% a romantic confession. Rick wouldn’t feel as fucking awkward about remembering those events if it was just a dude refusing to go on shenanigans with him. It has to be genuinely romantic because Rick has absolutely 0 issues admitting it when push comes to shove - even his family has to endure the yapping

I mean, a lot of these shows are about young people overcoming great odds through feats of athleticism and skill, which was gained through grueling training and hard work. It makes sense! 

also Rick loves Birdperson!

“Time is a fire in which we burn, Piglet.”

“Malcolm, everybody’s talking about your new menacing take on Winnie the Pooh!”

Well said. One (of many) of the stupid-ass arguments that drives me nuts is, “LUKE TRIED TO KILL HIS NEPHEW! WHAA?!”

I’m at the point where I just stop when people launch off into hyperbole. I haven’t got the time for that bullshit anymore.

Last Jedi doesn’t tell us to kill the past, it just tells us not to be a slave to it. Because if you let the past control you, then you end up unable to enjoy anything new; not even the best Star Wars movie in over 30 years.

“I don’t understand the point of bringing back our favorite characters and showing us that they’re sad old failures. Who asked for this?”

Yeah, I’ve never liked the argument that Holdo could’ve just told Poe what was going on. He’s been an insubordinate asshole all throughout the film, and when he does learn what Holdo’s plan is, he stages a coup. Poe just wants to go blast things until Leia finally talks some sense into him. 

Wait, what? Finn doesn’t have much of an arc? The guy starts the movie trying to run away from the war and ends the film ready to commit suicide for the rebellion. His arc is very clearly about learning to care about things other than saving his own skin. Also, the Canto Bigt stuff isn’t pointless. It’s a chance to

Said it before, but it’s still true: If Empire Strikes Back had come out after the invention of social media, it would be just as “hated” as Last Jedi. By which I mean, not hated at all, just whined about constantly by a small mob of manchildren who most media sources (including this article) insist on spotlighting at

Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.

I get why some people don’t like the idea of Luke considering killing his nephew when he realized he turned to the Dark Side. It’s very shocking revelation. However, it’s important to note that the moment he considered it, he immediately felt shame for what he did. But by then it was too late as Ben had seen him

This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.

Remember the South Park episode where they had their fictional gay character say that private businesses should have the right to discriminate against LGBT+ people?

He’s been through some bad times, and seems to be a genuine good guy and an underrated actor. He goes on the angels list with Keanu Reeves.

And here I’d thought Frasier won an Oscar for Gods and Monsters. 1998 was just too long ago...