Shinigami Apple Merchant

He got blackballed after he spoke out against the president of the Golden Globes, who he claims sexually assaulted him. This was 10 years before #metoo movement and before Hollywood decided that the GG’s were horrible and disgusting. It became quietly known that if you employed him you could forget being part of the

One day, hopefully not too far away, I propose that we’ll all have to refer to him as “Oscar winning actor Brendan Fraser” and it will be richly deserved.

He was awesome in The Mummy, and deserves all the kindness we can muster.

Considering everything that man has been through I’m just happy that he’s still around and both able and willing to put himself out there to entertain us.

Hell yeah. I hope that these projects contribute to Brendan Fraser having many nice days. He deserves it.

This makes me happy. I’m rooting for this dude.

This is even worse.

While I think Johansson is entitled to sue for what she earns, you have my sympathy for having to fight for disability payments. A truly just society would be looking after you and others with incapacities.

It’s not about Covid.    Her contract explicitly said theatrical release only, and Disney didn’t do that.   So they needed to renegotiate, and they didn’t.   They need take hit for breaking that contract, one way or another.

I don’t care how much money someone has, if they’re getting screwed over for money that should be theirs, then I hope they get it.  Other than that, eat the rich.

This is 100% a move for the future/others, and Scarlet may be the figurehead here but it’s almost certainly powered by her agent(s). The agents want their clients to make more money so they make more money.

A rich asshole clock is still right twice a day.
Scarjo is owed money along with everyone else who was depending on those box office sales.
She’s just the loudest voice, but this doesn’t start or end with her. 

no, he absolutely did not got hacked and him saying that is such a troll. you can just hear the smiling while he’s saying this “Maaaannnn, I got hacked today. Can’t believe they got me.he’s been problematic for a long time.

Romancing the Stone is so perfectly ‘80s, and yet it holds up so much better than so many other adventure romances filmed later. It strikes the right balance of breezy fun and thrills without getting too sappy (ironic, considering the protagonist).

I kind of wish that, instead of doing The Mummy Returns, the sequels were just the O’Connell’s fighting other Universal Horror monsters.

There’s this scene near the end of The Mummy where the they’re in the middle of the final confrontation with the bad guy, and he has Evie chained to a slab in preparation for the big sacrifice so he can bring his dead girlfriend back to life (that old chestnut), and O’Connell has to fight through a bunch of zombies to

In to say the obligatory (and echoed from the article) remark about how The Mummy 1999 was awesome and so, so much better than the Tom Cruise re-make. After films like The Dark Knight, Hollywood entered this weird period where it started to think that action blockbusters need to take themselves super seriously (see:

From the WSJ artcile: