Shinigami Apple Merchant

Charles” died last year, which led to Nowicki finally reaching out to Roupenian to ask how she knew so many details about the relationship. The answer isn’t wholly surprising (there’s no huge twist or mystery)...

In an ideal realization of this concept maybe that’s the point? Discrete Hitman-esque levels in a big wealth of eras that trim the fat, the cruft, the fluff, and the sheer size back down to actually being a game about *assassinating* some figure, rather than... *gestures at bloated hundreds-of-hours-long AC games of

It has become such an expected cycle in our lives to watch something grow from great intentions, find a successful/sustainable business model, then topple into a drive for excess profit until it crumbles into something unrecognizable.

As a gamer who has gamed (primarily) on PlayStation since 1997, I’ve generally loved the hardware/console-exclusive software, but hated the brand. Sony makes great stuff, but they’re unapologetically arrogant and short-sighted as a company, and the way in which they treat developers and their own consumer base is

Just because we weren’t going to buy something, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to.

I think the most insidious thing the Ku Klux Klan achieved in America was to reframe the very perception of racism among white people. It gave them this almost cartoonish image of capital-R Racists as guys in white sheets burning crosses on lawns and lynching black people in mobs. And so many of these white people

Exactly.  This is like when people say “I don’t see race.”  Well then it’s no fucking wonder you don’t recognize your own racism.  

“I’ve never cared about anyone’s race, religion, gender, or orientation,” Cawthon wrote”

It’s reminiscent of the whole NiceGuy motif - that somehow treating people they way they should deserves some kind of award/acknowledgement (in NiceGuy terms, sex). Nope, that’s just being a decent human being.

You’d think at least one of these assholes would own it. Like, drop the, “I love my LGBTQ fans” bit and be straightforward: you don’t think their civil and human rights are as important as your free market, or your low taxes, or your family values. Their money and praise is just fine, but everything else about them is

External conditioning(or brainwashing)can overwrite one’s original ethical/moral code. When you still haven’t figured yourself out or lived a sheltered life, things as news media and fictional tropes can shape your views of the world, even if they aren’t true.

I don’t even get that quote from him.

Some of the kindest, most accepting, and most vocally anti-discrimination people I’ve ever met have been devout Christians. So have some of the worst, most bigoted jerks. Religion is a source of conviction and willpower. A believer with a good heart can take that and weather any storm to do right by their neighbors,

Supporting Mitch McConnell alone in any way shape or form suggests that he is being more than disingenuous with his “Sorry, not sorry” BS.

“I’d like to think that the last seven years would have given me the benefit of the doubt in regards to how I try to treat people,” Cawthon wrote in the now locked Reddit thread.

You misunderstood him. He loves (money from) all people, no matter their orientation.

Meanwhile, character designs for the original Final Fantasy game back in 1987...