Shinigami Apple Merchant

I’m no archer (though honestly I’d love to give it a try) but yeah it looks wrong that way. I feel like her head should be turned to the side a little more, partly to get her nose out of the way of the string and partly to get a better view of whatever the target is.

There is a really bad shot in the last film where the string is directly behind the nose.  So I'm going to say no.

this is funny. Two years ago I visited the The Hunger Games interactive exhibit at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. It was part museum part games where you try to do the things Katniss had to do in the movie. One of which was shoot a bow-n-arrow. The attendant/instructor did say to pull the bow up to the cheek. 

Back around when the first Avengers movie came out, I came across some archery blog (thanks, Fark!) that praised the form displayed in Hunger Games and Brave, but was really critical of Hawkeye (Renner apparently sticks his elbows out too much).

I never noticed before, as the image is blown way up here, but has the bowstring always been hooked around the side of her nose like that? Is that what you call good archery skills?  Archers, please, your input.

Before the ultimate finale, bringing in Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, and Gary Oldman for:

Being a justice oriented person - and understanding that we all have privilege and blind spots we carry around with us, I have to admit I’m getting a bit fed up with some of the AV Club’s editorial decisions.

Terrible what passes for a ninja these days.

Cool beans.

I think it’s terrible in a fundamental filmmaking way, but there’s such a innate charm in how off the wall it is and goes about its business that it can definitely get behind your defenses as a viewer regardless and become watchable, even fun. I think of a Roger Ebert quote (regarding Basic Instinct 2):

Seriously, people, the movie isn’t horrible. It’s decent, so long as you remember that it’s a New York Mario, and has very little to do with canon Mario. (Seriously, there’s pretty much no way that canon Mario was raised in NYC. At closest it was New Donk and I doubt even that.)

i’ll see your xkcd mars rover comic and raise you another:

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

One of my favorites from dontnod. I also appreciated the length. Just get in there, tell a story and get out. Very little filler. The premise had me concerned that it would stumble into the territory of Saturday morning special levels of cringe wokeness, but it never comes close. A good story about interesting people

We really doing this? Really? I mean we have Texas trying to take away the right to vote for anyone that isn’t white, actually seasons their food and can clap on the 2 & 4 and this is what you’re concerned with? I am all for multi-tasking but I am also for priorities and this ain’t it. Unless you have footage of her

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

Look, if we start doing “Famous person took part in institution that turned out to be hella racist” takes we’re going to be here forever because, spoiler alert, most white institutions in America are hella racist.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s