Shinigami Apple Merchant

Yeah, I'm very much in favor of emulation for the preservation of gaming as an art form, so I was nervous to see the headline. But fuck this guy and his stupid life choices, he earned that verdict.

As much as I support keeping old games alive via emulation, especially for games that we all know are never going to see a rerelease, everything this guy in particular did seemed to be stupid decisions.

It’s still used by municipal governments in Canada as the guide for running council and other government meetings. It may (at first glance) appear old-fashioned or cumbersome, but Robert’s Rules really do cover every eventuality and  possible difficulty, and eliminate confusion, as long as the chair has taken the time

If you ever end up on a PTA board or any other kind of board, I highly recommend reading Robert’s Rules. Especially if you are the Chair. It’s short, fairly simple to understand, and it will help you to keep meetings moving and prevent people from hijacking the meeting by using it against you.

I hear you, but I guess my point is that if that’s the case then not only is Whedon a crappy person, but a lot of the folks around him were as well - people I thought better of - for not speaking out against it or giving their implicit approval by socializing with him.

I think you nail this squarely on the head. I’ve been slowly rewatching the MCU on Disney+ lately, and the majority of Phase 1 and early Phase 2 films, while tying together mostly nicely, have some pretty jarring shifts in tone and character usage and development ... and then “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and

I always felt the opposite about the Whedon home-hangout stories, even back when I was a Whedon show stan. It made me think he was encouraging a weird cliqueishness on set, and I thought the people who *weren’t* part of said hangouts was kind of glaring. It reminded me of a charismatic HS history teacher I had who was

For me, the first Avengers film hasn’t aged well. Most of the dialogue are one step away from making me cringe. Most scenes seem set up and superficial. That scene between Widow and Loki, especially. Also, Cap’s PSA clown costume. I do remember the big appeal at the time was the team-up factor. It was pretty surreal,

Yeah, while I think the World of Assassination trilogy absolutely got the look and feel right in general right, I really think it does the Hitman games a bit of a disservice by constantly lampshading hits.

This weekend I plan to continue my adventures in Hitman 2 (2018). I’ve only completed the first two levels, New Zealand and Miami. So far it’s a lot like the first game in the trilogy. New Zealand did a lot of interesting things with environmental storytelling, even though it’s just a tutorial level. But Miami was one

I’ve lived in unbearably hot climates in smoggy California valleys for so long, when I finally moved somewhere chilly near mountains that I had to drive through to take care of government business, the moment I saw snow, I pulled off to the side to play around and throw snowballs until my fingers went numb. Then when

I’m sorry. Did someone forget The Great Muppet Caper???? The man was a genius.

Now playing

My advice with Hitman is to use the story missions as a tour of the location on your first run, then scope out some achievements you can knock out on your second run. These open up more starting locations and more items you can use. Eventually you’ll see the madness unfold.

On the docket for this weekend:

a public announcement that should, if nothing else, throw some much-needed attention toward that often misunderstood condition.”

I have mainly been using my PS5 for Atelier Ryza 2 since I got it in...February I think? (Ryza that is, I got the PS5 earlier) It’s my first Atelier game and I can’t believe I haven’t played this series because it checks so many of my boxes. I started Ryza 1 as well but I want to finish 2 first so I don’t get too

All the guest hosts have been doing it, and it’s because they have to wait for the go-ahead from the crew to say correct/incorrect (I think it’s either a light on set or a message relayed through their earpiece, I forget which), whereas Trebek was permitted to rule on an answer without the crew’s permission.

Buddy you are picking the worst fight at the WORST time for the WORST stakes