I stopped wearing make up except for special occasions (like, maybe twice a year) and while I thought I looked bad the first couple weeks, eventually I adjusted my perception and now no makeup looks normal.
I stopped wearing make up except for special occasions (like, maybe twice a year) and while I thought I looked bad the first couple weeks, eventually I adjusted my perception and now no makeup looks normal.
Gemma Collins claims her tyre [sic] was SLASHED
She looks like a friend of Ali G.
No matter how ironic your posture, there’s nothing countercultural about draping yourself from head to toe in ugly overpriced aspirational logo gear. Her outfit is an essay about how consumerism kills counterculture.
I completely applaud and respect how she chooses to wear baggy clothes because she doesn’t want to have comments about her body shape in the media and online but baggy clothing doesn’t mean looking like you just survived an explosion in a mall containing a Hot Topic, Forever 21, and Jacamo all in close proximity.
I mean, maybe she’s trying to do some counter-culture rejection of event dress codes but Eilish is just really starting to look like what would be, in British parlance, described as early 2000s Asbo yob.
Maybe, but she would still have biological advantages that can’t be countered like a larger lung capacity, a larger heart, stronger bone density, and longer arms and legs relative to body size, which testosterone doesn’t effect. I know I’ll probably get reamed for this, but honestly I struggle with how to balance…
But her company doesn’t produce money, she still needs to get financial backing from investors. They decide which movies will be made, based on how much money they think they can make. Portman is famous, but not famous enough that people will throw money at any project she suggests. Many celebs have production…
McGowan has become tiresome. This whole “Your activism isn’t good enough” thing isn’t helpful to anyone & it just makes her look more unhinged.
Remember when Patty Jenkins was Thor 2's director and was replaced with Alan Taylor? And Portman was pissed and started to get the “difficult” label way back in early 2010s because she was promised a woman as director, which was why she agreed to do Marvel, and then the “Jane” character disappears under Taika? So…
Did you miss the part where I mentioned she had to work to get to where she is?
“Natalie is an Academy award winning, long-time actress who could command a lot of control over the projects she chooses.”
And yet she’s still done more than McGowan who so far has done little for anyone but herself and labelled other activists as “douchebags” and “sellouts”, who’ve raised millions to support victims, because she didn’t get invited to their lunches and didn’t get press for herself in certain magazines.
Please. Rose is just bitter that she wasn’t made the face of MeToo like she expected.
“You did something about a complex, huge problem, but it didn’t fix the entire problem, so the thing you did is WORSE than doing nothing at all!!!”
But it’s not like Natalie Portman can make studios hire female directors. Historically, there haven’t been many projects headed by women to have a filmography that would give Portman the platform that she has.
Natalie handled that very well. Of course I understand Rose’s point, but it felt needlessly brutal. I don’t think people understand the scope of projects that one ‘develops’ vs the projects that get made.
Apparently Natalie Portman is now a false ally of women for not having worked with an arbitrary number of female directors to be allowed to call out the Oscar snubbing of female directors according to noted principled crusader and arbiter of activism Rose McGowan.
I kinda dug the textile.
But I don’t really have the best taste.