He’s fake gay because that’s part of the Harry Styles “product”.
He’s fake gay because that’s part of the Harry Styles “product”.
Hell yeah, give me all the hot sizzling Hollywood beef between actual big names. Put it on the grill in front of me with those onion towers with the fire coming out of it.
I love so much that they are trying to paint Beyer as unreliable due to the ‘contentious divorce’, but then there are alllll the coworkers who are giving witness to the lies too. So what’s the excuse there? Let me guess, they’re all ‘just jealous’.
Is it weird that what I find most bizarre about this is the fact that she doesn’t even have kids? I think I’m fucking my 3 and 7 year old up almost daily but she is over here claiming her mothering is so magic that she’d change the course of history. I think she should write a book!
On the other hand, she could have nipped all this in the bud by aborting that fetus
Dafaq did I just read?
I’m sure this will be the message that gets through to him. I’m sure of it.
But then she wouldn’t get the attention she craves and I think she’d rather die.
Demi Lovato held “a funeral for my pop music.” Unclear on what that means and not sure we want to know.
Excellent use of hot girl energy. Congratulations!
She needs to get a divorce and find someone who doesn’t dismiss the trauma that she has experienced. That guy is a douche.
I actually hope Olivia and John made it work, and then add a third named Newton.
Union workers are much more comfortable saying, “This is not ok, I am not doing this, do I need to call my union representative?” Non-Union workers are much more easily pressured to just do what the boss says even after pointing out unsafe things.
$25 million reasons you’re wrong
*Channel 4.
Whatever you think of Kim K, whenever I’ve heard her in interviews, she seems to be a reasonably nice, and somewhat charming person.
What’s to interpret? She’s an idiot.
What took them so long? This woman has been awful forever and this website gleefully takes down other women for far less offensive things than they gave Nicki a pass for.
Please stop giving this trash fire oxygen. Please.
Give me a break. Prior to one week ago, had this website ever censured Nicki Minaj? Even the announcement of her marriage to a known pedophile rapist was covered with “You know Nicki!, I guess she does what she likes!” insouciance.