Next up, Miley announces her celibacy and conversion to Islam/Kabbalah.
Also, I know I am late to the greatest prank contest, but here goes:
Conservatives aren’t funny. The comedians conservatives think are funny are...Larry the Cable Guy. Tim Allen. Sentient re-hashes of the same old unfunny shit from the last 50 years, sometimes packaged in a new way but always entirely predictable.
If it’s true that Miley blindsided him... maybe that is the best thing for him in the end. Such a slap in the face, such finality, will maybe save him from getting back together with her again.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the school district hired him to coach in the first place, let alone put him in charge of a girls team. What genius thought that was a good idea?
This seems appropriate. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be allowed to have a job, but it probably shouldn’t be one where he has influence over girls or women.
I like her. I just think she has toxic parents that depend on her solely to cover their cost of living. Reminds me of the younger sister from Modern Family. I just hope that she gets a good adult on her side to help her come out ok on the other end.
She isn’t comparing her salary to Jon Chu, the director. She’s comparing it to Peter Chiarelli, a co-writer for the film.
Well, anyone who’s ever spent time in Philly knows the horror of the bathrooms at Dirty Frank’s. After banging in both of those, I decided to top myself by banging a guy in the alley out back. (Mind you, these bangings were spread out over several years, obviously I’m a very classy gal). But I don’t think it gets much…
Croke Park?!! That is the least sexy place on earth surely, smells like GAA and The Church!
On top of my ex? He hated showering so only did it once or twice a month. He liked it when I would lightly scratch his back (not as part of sex, just as a relaxing thing) and I would end up with gunk under my nails afterward. My explanation is I was... going through a lot.
Croke Park, Dublin. Simple Minds concert. Restroom. I was 16 or 17. Dude was invited by a quasi in-law of mine; she really fancied him & invited him with the sole intent of having it off with him. I don’t know if she ever found out that it happened.
Proof of her being violent and crazy is pretty easy to find if you actually looked. HER prior for domestic abuse arrest after she hit her girlfriend in 2009 is a good place to start.
“Convicted sex offender” puts it mildly. Kenneth Perry abducted and forcibly raped his victim at knifepoint, the kind of rape that even most rape apologists can recognize as a crime. He’s also killed a man, was charged with second degree murder, and served time for manslaughter after pleading down.
Fuck this shoe. What the hell?