
here we go

Because people often don’t read all the text that appears on screen in an online shop. They expect that when they select item X and click “Buy”, then item X is all that they’re buying, what they’re paying for and what will be delivered. Because that’s how (most) online shops work.

Go to the site and try it out yourself. It’s deceptive as fuck. All prices except the VIP price are greyed out, while the VIP price is in a blue color, making it look like a sale/markdown price. When you add any item to your cart, it also automatically adds the subscription, but doesn’t show a listed price along with

She is making women of all colors poor. You don’t think latina women wouldn’t be pissed about this?

Leslie is my everything.

Leslie Jones is a National Treasure. I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Neon roots

Should have lead with the last sentence. It's becoming impossible even in the southern cities now.

I know we’ve complained about this before but it’s very difficult to read these articles when you don’t describe the people left to right. ESPECIALLY because we’re all old as shit and don’t know who any of these people are. 

Can you Brits finally just accept that these people are not special and their only accomplishment is to have won the genepool lottery? Just take their ill-gotten money and make them fly coach like everybody else.


Honestly? That woman is more likely to lose custody of her kids for moving to a commune without a sufficient job than for being gay these day at least in terms of official court rulings.

I am too anti-social to every live on a commune.

I didn’t break up with her, but she broke up with me and in retrospect this was a red flag for other, bigger issues we faced later, but every time I would visit my girlfriend she would ask me to take her dog out every time it needed to go. Every time. Not a problem, I thought. I like dogs, and this was a cute dog and

I live somewhere with extreme weather. I cannot stand dudes who wear shorts all winter and refuse to dress for and acknowledge terrible weather. Use a goddamn umbrella when it’s raining and wear some gloves when it’s below zero! I think it’s in my DNA from frontier days, like he’d be the kind of guy who wouldn’t

Making noise when they eat, or saliva buildup in the corners of their mouth. The saliva thing makes me gag (and I do realize that they may not be able to help it... sorry), but the noisy eating makes me homicidal.

Probably the UK, chips are french fries.

Also: pookah shells.

This isn’t the “tell us about what a good person you are” deal breakers thread this is the “petty” deal breakers thread. Gird your loins - this is not the space for people to show their best selves!

Not me, but my Dad. When I was a kid I really hated hot chips with gravy. I still do, they’re disgusting and if you like them you’re bad. But Dad loved chips and gravy, and refused to provide any other condiments when we had chips. When asked for tomato sauce (ketchup) he said that was disgusting. He then said that he