
The eyes and ears probably won't work without the brain.

Short in terms of time, small in terms of space, but significant in terms of what we are in relation to the universe as a whole. Because, to me, it seems that the universe would lack significance if there were no creatures able to see the universe and appreciate its vastness.

you reading what I write? Cus I didn't call him a hero:

it still isn't completely clear how much influence PS fanboys who had no intention of buying an X1 contributed to MS backtracking. Mobs can look like a majority just cus they are loud, dangerous, and ready to burn your shit down if you don't give in to their demands. Those voices drowned out a lot of us much more

You already knew what about me? Pro writing tip: use less pronouns to increase the clarity of your sentences. Also, maybe you no read so good cus I said...

He should have.

I wouldn't be friends with someone who committed crimes that I considered immoral. I would betray my "friend" who committed such crimes out of principle, because that's the right thing to do. Sure, someone who did horrible things for Don Corleone isn't a hero if that person only did it to avoid jail time. But it also

Sorry if my reply to Black Messiah has given you the false impression that Im just trolling. If you read the exchange between us, my terse replies simply mimic his terse replies. I give you longer more thoughtful replies because you give me longer more thoughtful replies. You reap what you sow kind of thing. And what

Wait. Im obviously a horrible judge of character as well as what? I think its interesting that you arent necessarily defending LulzSec. But I still dont get your point about the morality of being rat. To me it seems like screwing your friends to save yourself is definitely a shitty thing to do. However, youre

lol if they are victims of anything, then it is of their own stupidity. Fuck LulzSec.

Its interesting you say that the fact that Im defending him shows the type of person I am, because, before I got to that sentence, I was thinking the fact that you used the word rat shows what type of person you are. Yeah, Im pretty sure hes not a hero either, because he didnt do what he did because he thought it was

I guess yoúre right. I guess if thats all the word means then it shouldnt have such a negative connotation. Like if an SS Officer betrayed Hitler (like a few did), then that person should be celebrated as a hero. A traitor hero. haha

nefarious associates?

In the sense that he turned on his fellow bad guy partners. I'm certainly not going to criticize him for that.

They're still busy looking for that missing plane. Investigating black holes and shit.

ah got u

So it looks like if u make it though youth wo killing yourself, the you'll eventually die of cancer. Fun fun.

Yeah well I'm kind of thinking I'm fucked anyways if it's on top of me. Unless... we're talking about the other cougar. Then top of me, or beneath me, whatever, it's all good.

i rather fight the cougar w a 4 ft blade

how does he get so many shots off with what appears to be a two shot musket? How come he can invent time travel but not invent a more practical gun for killing himself?