
Exactly. Look I understand the imbalance of oppression. But fighting for being able to just say shit like “Men are Trash” is NOT going to help. It’s fucking petty and immature, and only adds distance in the pursuit of gender equality. It’s nothing more than an attention-seeking image that only serves to trigger men

Bingo. Doesn’t matter if “men” face systemic oppression or not. What matters is *you* are making a gross generalization, a negative one at that, about an entire gender. It’s the precise thing you don’t want to be done to women, so don’t argue that it’s okay to do it to men.

Why not have the dialogue in medieval Chinese? This Anglophone linguistic rewriting of history is outrageous!

Not any level. However, the level of violence if it is in keeping w/ the character and motivation is OK. Ramsey is a brutal sociopath. Raping Sansa makes sense for him. She is the key for his legitimacy in the North. Raping her repeatedly and brutalizing her in other ways as well is both in keeping in his character

Not everyone who disagrees with an article or has a silly opinion is a troll, “sensei.”

What are you North Korean communications director? The dude was heavy handily acting as spokesperson for the DPRK. The citizens are the victims here and shit like this makes a bunch of dumb millennials think they’ve been feed lies about the starvation, executions, and death camps.

Objectively Nazi Germany did indeed do a lot of bad

Israel does not equal or compare to Norh Korea in any way whatsoever.

So it’s ok to propagandize for a brutal dictator because people will see the propaganda and can judge it for themselves?

He’s not “enjoying the... good people within its borders.” He’s enjoying actors pretending on pain of death/torture. The people he’s interacting with are in fear for their lives, because if they break character they(and their families) might literally be killed for it.

If I may, I doubt you are actually going to find many people that find the citizens of North Korea, or China, or Iran, or... actually bad people. We find their government abhorrent, not the people. If you look at the inverse, a lot of countries that don’t “like” us, the same is true. The average Iranian for example

Wait what??

I find what the DPRK to be disgusting. However, I am willing to acknowledge that other various sides exist as well.

“ most likely orchestrated”

I'm kinda proud that I might be the first person to fulfill Godwin's Law and have the person roll with it and defend Nazi propaganda.

you depress me

The worst part about social media is people speaking earnestly and passionately about things they lack the wisdom or experience to fully understand. This guy thinks he’s making a point about “not all DPRKers,” but he is, unfortunately, fucking stupid.

Everything is political, even the absence of a political message is political. Not understanding that is the definition of naivety. This is video is literally beat you over the head political; it’s propaganda. It in no way, shape or form represents what traveling or life is like in North Korea. None. Nothing. As I

So basically, this guy is the type of person who thinks he can get away with completely ignoring hyper-politicized circumstances by saying he “doesn’t comment on politics”. Sorry, kid, but you don’t get to go to a place like the DPRK, which is both ideologically and militarily 100% at odds with the entirety of the