
Troll has to be the most overused word on the webz. Not saying this is necessarily you, but just because someone says something controversial and you strongly disagree, that doesn't make that person a troll. Everyone wants to see themselves as the reasonable person in any argument. So, typically, the word "troll" is

Who the fuck keeps trying to ice skate uphill?

Pro tip: have your hot wife show a lot of cleavage.


My bad.

I wish they would come up with a better name than Monoprice. I don't associate "mono" with anything good.

Hint: your natural vs unnatural distinction is BS. Arsenic acid is natural so try some of that. It's organic too.


U should see a therapist cus ur problems are most likely mental


Was it Russia? It's always fucking Russia.

Who else clicked on this cus you thought Lorde (some how) ruined porn?

They were sexy until I read about the astronaut who in a jealous rage drove across the country wearing a diaper.


Looks slightly more stupid to me. Although only slightly :/

"Good question, and the answer is not 'aliens.'"

I am morally barren. I don't live for the sake of other human beings.

It's hard to imagine solving the logistics of delivering items via drones in an urban environment. Sounds like a joke.

Thank capitalism for the drugs American pharmaceutical companies invent. I wonder who will imvent new drugs out altruistic love for their fellow man, comrade.

You know you're a nerd when you call a thermometer a "thermal data acquisition system."