

So women can assault men without consequence? A woman should be able to kill a man without consequence. #privilege

So women can assault men without consequence? Does it get serious around murder charges?

Always assume people have a weapon. #ThingsILearnedFromTheGeorgeZimmermanTrial

Please go back to Gawker.

Maybe you'll have a right to criticize when you actually have good taste in food.

You sound jealous and petty. That 100K, which most likely went to charity, will do more than you ever have and will.

So how do you feel about the Japanese? Because some of their fast food creations make ours look tame. Or is only hating on Americans trendy?

I trust the Japanese military far more than the Chinese military.

Self-loathing Americans are funny.

It's wrong to eat plants too. It is animalpocentric to extend value only to animals. All life has inherent value. Plants have an inherent value outside of your selfish needs. Biocentrism is the only logically consistent approach to environmental ethics. People should only eat fruit, nuts, and seeds. It's not wrong to

How do we send judgmental shithead commenter Jesus Diaz to limbo?

I hope you mean this isn't racism because the tanning beds are taxed as a sin tax because tanning is bad for your health, like cigarettes. And I hope you don't mean this isn't racism because racism cannot be committed against light skinned people.

"White individuals take drugs at the same right [sic], if not higher, than those of color, yet their rate of incarceration is a fraction of that of minorities."

Imagining a world without oppression is definitly a good thought experiment.

How do I delete this?

Well I'll take your word on its usefulness. But, to me, the term "kyriarchy" seems like it further reifies a dubious dualism between oppressive and non-oppresive social systems. I also note kyiarchy seems to be a more disembodied oppressor because patriarchy, unlike kyiarchy, has a gender. But I suppose, for that

Does Kyriarchy include the oppression of having to constantly learn new postmodernist jargon? I mean even if you're a rich, privledged white male you must submit to the power and authority of your professor who forces you to read this type of stuff.

If she was a white American man divulging Russian intelligence secrets, she would of been executed.

Yep. Adiós.