
You're right, I suck at brevity. Unfortunately, due to the fact that your analysis of race is so inextricably linked to your analysis of capitalism, I believe our ideological differences are too great a gulf for us to bridge quickly. And so my goal is no longer to try to form arguments with the aim of convincing, but

You are lumping together a lot of other issues here. Specifically, the topics of capitalism, free trade, and American foreign policy. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "progressive concept". If you mean that I believe my idea is promoting positive social change, then "yes, I believe my ideas are a progressive

I read the article you linked. But I disagree that it is applicable here. First, I'm not trying to police your tone. I'm objecting to you transforming a non-racial story into a racial story. I have no qualms with your tone. Second, I'm not trying to police anything else for that matter either. I haven't been granted

I didn't deny that the social construction of race is "real", at least in a certain sense.

Just a skeptic. I don't think most people would of looked at a middle aged, well dressed, middle to upper class black woman having a tantrum in an Apple store any differently than the lady in the video. I certainly wouldn't have seen it differently.

Life must be so hard for you when facing so many stereotypes. Life is easier for everyone who isn't you. Oh and don't worry because I already know you will dismiss my sarcastic dismissal as being the white male privlaged perspective. I'm sure your perspective is the true perspective.

Anyone who has spent more than an hour on Xbox Live has heard far worst things said.

I agree with giantveggies. You do sound confused. You grew up in California; you live in America; you have American citizenship. These facts make you pretty damn American. Do you continue to claim your Italian identity as your nationality to help you get laid? Because that I sort of understand.

It's amusing to see the headline "not everything is a feminist issue" on Jezebel because I would say that headline is probably one the most often repeated responses to certain types of "feminist" articles on Jezebel. It seems our little, often repeated comment has grown up and become a headline. Congratulation, Little

Those comments are hilarious and awesome! Relgion is not a race. People who think Islamic people are a race of people are ignorant. And socities aren't races either. Socities, like religions, can be better or worst. Lastly, damn all you people who want to condemn a strong, smart woman who doesn't believe what you

And giving birth to a child is sexist too! I mean literally only one sex can give birth to a child. No amount post modern jargon is going to explain away that element of sexual dimorphism. The female ability to give birth to a human being isn't a social construction. Men can't get pregnant. Men don't have to decide

OMG will you tell my fiance to stop giving me shit about my feet? Or are you not offering men protection from all the shit they take from women who care about feet? Cus I get a lot of shit. Do all articles have to have a gendered perspective? Are bigendered articles as out of fashion as bipartisan laws? Just curious.

"Fuck you newb. Newbie. BK. Bad kid. You're fucking horrible. Your KD sucks. You play like a blind kid. You have the braille edition of COD. I raped you. I raped your team. Look at my name on top of your name. What bitch? I can't hear you when your is so far down below me. I am a winner. I am a wiener. I am the

I really enjoyed reading your comments. You were logical while the people you were arguing against weren't. A lot of people faced with so many idiots making dumb arguments would of just walked away. But you stood your ground and called them on their numerous strawmans, ad hominems, and various other non sequiturs.

Shame on you.

Now someone give me a trick to clean the old ketchup bottle before I put pancake mix in it, because that doesn't look easy. And ketchup doesn't go well with pancakes.

"Who stole my bread tabs?!"

Ah, I got ya. I would probably do the same.

Haha yeah "racing" was my favorite part about our conversation with the OPP. Racing whom? OPP isn't sure.

So I hear. Demerits are not your friends, folks.