
Agree to disagree?

You are the one playing games with words here:

I believe any deliberate alteration of the genetic material of an organism's genome, whether that be by MUTATING, deleting, or adding genetic material, constitutes genetically modifying an organism. Therefore, I think selective breeding constitutes mutating the organism's genome. Hence, again, the first sentence of

Exactly. Name an inorganic food. And show me proof government labeled organic has any (positive) effect on mortality.

We differ on the liberal politics thing, but we are on the same page when it comes to calling BS on neo-hippies adopting "fashionable" stances on food. Your brother reminds me of my aunt (old hippie, not neo-hippie) who gave me shit for eating yellow mustard. She told me that the yellow color is "unnatural" (and I,

First, why is splicing fungus and bacteria genes into the plant genome bad? I hope you aren't going to say because it isn't natural.

The anti-GMO crowd doesn't even seem to know that they are also the anti-science crowd. I think it's almost quasi-religious. These people seem to think that nature - personified like God - has a plan for us. And if we stick to that plan, nature will be good to us. And all bad things are a result of us, lured by

Thank you for saying this:

"White individuals take drugs at the same right [sic], if not higher, than those of color, yet their rate of incarceration is a fraction of that of minorities."

Kind of a liberal fascist mentality to think those two statements are contradictory.

What's wrong with zoos? Calling zoos creepy isn't really a criticism. And unless you let wild animals run around freely where there are human, then they are effectively in captivity anyways. Just really big cages.

Monopolies aren't as big of a problem as some people think. The laws of supply and demand still apply to monopolies. If the monopoly charges too much money (above the equilibrium price) they sell less product and make less money. And the monopoly must always remain competitive in order to maintain its monopoly status.

Runs mostly on coal and natural gas.

OMG the angry mob outside is going to kill us all!

Imagining a world without oppression is definitly a good thought experiment.

How do I delete this?

Well I'll take your word on its usefulness. But, to me, the term "kyriarchy" seems like it further reifies a dubious dualism between oppressive and non-oppresive social systems. I also note kyiarchy seems to be a more disembodied oppressor because patriarchy, unlike kyiarchy, has a gender. But I suppose, for that

Does Kyriarchy include the oppression of having to constantly learn new postmodernist jargon? I mean even if you're a rich, privledged white male you must submit to the power and authority of your professor who forces you to read this type of stuff.

If she was a white American man divulging Russian intelligence secrets, she would of been executed.

Yep. Adiós.