
I really enjoyed reading your comments. You were logical while the people you were arguing against weren't. A lot of people faced with so many idiots making dumb arguments would of just walked away. But you stood your ground and called them on their numerous strawmans, ad hominems, and various other non sequiturs.

I don't like redistribution of wealth. To assume the poor are morally entitled to other people's money is powerfully ignorant, IMO.

Thanks, Bitch.

I know what a regressive tax is. See above.

My point is that I would be more inclined to pay higher taxes for the "background" things if my money wasn't already being used to pay for things that do no qualify as infrastructure.

So what is the dramatic impact that wealth inequality has on the economy? My economics final is tomorrow morning at 8 am. And neither my econ books, nor my econ professors, past and present, have taught me this principle of economics. Instead, we learn how free markets best satisfy the conflict between limited supply

What BS. Paying for roads is a red herring argument. Government should be able to pay for roads with the money they've collected thus far. What you really like is redistribution of wealth. That's what the government is has having trouble affording.

"Studies are used to post-rationalize prior beliefs about the economy. " I am going to ask leftists in the room to take an honest look in the mirror, because bias is a more universal shortcoming than a partisan one. Pot, meet Kettle; Kettle, Pot.

You misspelled "hahaha".

Nah man. Don't try to explain why you still eating plain chocolate ice cream when neapolitan is clearly superior. I mean there f**king three flavors in one box! So I win, bitch.

Apple haters trying to straw man their opponents for having different subjective value judgments? I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

Shame on you.

Crony Capitalism! Fuck yeah!

Who assumed you're Russian? I didn't. I assumed - and continue to assume - you're stupid.

Haha I don't need chants when I have facts, dummy. These days economists used GDP, not GNP. The United States is ranked 8 in GDP (PPP) ($48,300). Russia is ranked 58 in GDP (PPP) ($16,700). The United States has 314 million citizens. Russia has 145 million citizens. The United States has a growing population. Russia

In Farsi, "design" means "photoshopped" because, in Persian culture, all "designs" are just photoshopped nonsense. Check out their "design" for Star Trek style warp drive; it's amazing.

Hahaha Russia, what a cranky old bear, thinks it's still a superpower, can't even conquer tuberculosis!

What metric do you use? The snide comment metric?

You mean he gave back some of the money the government stole from me? Because the government doesn't have money. We - the people - have money. They take it from us, by force, then they redistribute in some awfully inefficient way to those who fit their political interests. Government is the ultimate bank robber - they

Umm... If engineers in the aerospace industry don't use imperial units and you all use metric, then how did engineers in the aerospace industry crash a satellite into Mars? Did you guys convert the units of a team of rogue engineers who use imperial?