
Diet soda for men kind of reminds me of Miller High Life. Diet soda is to masculine as Miller is to affluent.

Menstruation jokes are hilarious, like this one from South Park: "Well, I'm sorry, Wendy. But I just don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die." Hilarious, I say.

Yeah... Korean prison didn't look like fun. Neither did drinking bleach.

That's a hilarious first date movie.

Korean movies have dealt with this subject matter before. The Korean movie Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005), Chinjeolhan geumjassi, part of The Vengeance Trilogy, depicted a teacher who molested and murdered children being torn apart Jack Bower style by the parents of the children who were victimized. The movie

haha. I see what you did there.

Because if you burn my barn, then you won't be able to redistribute it?

Anyone find it ironic that the Tea Party and OWS are both angry at the same problems? They both seem to be against the bank bailouts. And they both seem to be against the relationship between corporations and government. Yet, they seem to advocate the exact opposite of each other.

They are on my lawn only in a metaphoric sense. I'm picturing farmers with pitchforks and torches: Standing on my porch, I scream "what do you want?". The protesters scream back "we're not sure yet". I feel anxiety and look displeased. I hope they don't burn my barn, I think to myself.

Your comment, like the protest, isn't focussed. And, unfortunately, the problem is complex, like "rocket science".

The Tea Party also consists of people with jobs, another demographic OWS isn't reaching.

Of course there is also the problem that we don't all agree on what the problem is. Empirically, capitalism does more to better the lives of poor people than non-market based systems. Of course there is a lot of positions in between capitalism and non-market based systems, but some of the protesters don't seem to be

Because I don't know how to give into the mob's demands if they don't articulate their demands clearly. Can you get off my lawn now?

Wow, More really likes feeding her readers red meat. Patrick Wanis is obviously not the voice of Fox News. But that didn't stop More from switching between Wanis and Fox news as if they're are interchangeable: "Fox News even goes so far as to say..." is followed by "Wanis also says...".

Clearly, the article doesn't recommend the iPhone as a replacement for professional cinematographers. Your comment is complete sensationalism.

Is the plane missing too?

Nope. You misinterpreted what I meant: "I don't think we should brag..." is another way of me saying "I think we have too many laws". And I think people who want to see agressive law enforcement applied to non-violent crimes are part of that problem. So if I'm accusing you of anything, I'm accusing you of that, being

It was probably illegal. Do I care? They hurt no one, so of course I don't care. The U.S. has more people in jail than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran combined. I'm certain we have "public safety laws". But I don't think we should brag about the quantity of laws we have. Catching real criminals - like murderers

"The China state-run... news says that the other pilot is currently missing". Hahaha. That's awesome reporting, state-run media.

Arrest them for getting the elevator dirty?