
Mobile integration definitely would have been cool. My friends and I used Wave to plan a trip Panama. For planning trips, Wave was quite useful. We would post airfares we found, places we wanted to see, and activities we wanted to do. We also asked practical questions, like "did you get vaccinated yet, asshole?". The

Buzz was useful for messaging friends something stupid, but amusing, without going so far as to email them about it. A message on Buzz basically signified "read me if you're bored". I suppose that's Facebook's purpose, but for those who don't use Facebook (we do exist), Buzz was an okay alternative. I liked Wave too,

Wrong, nuclear, natural gas, and even wind is better. Hell, geo-engineering is more promising than solar. Try again.

That would fall under point number one. Part of the cost of electricity is the maintenance. Solar PV doesn't last forever either. It needs to be replaced over time. But, again, that's included in point number one.

"The most obvious criticism of solar energy is that it doesn't work very well when the sun is down."

I agree most with Honan's thought that the world is a little bit less without him. Jobs possessed a remarkably unique and creative mind. It is a very sad day indeed.

Opps I should say the average winning time in the NYC marathon over five years.

Yeah, I'm still think it might be unfair to the other women. Her time was set with the male pace setters (MPS) and the other women didn't have MPS. I'm obviously not an expert on running, but for the hell of it, I did some math:

World best?!!! They might as well call it the world's most-inferior-second-rate-time-we-ever-bothered-to-record. I kid! :)

If it's true that running with male pace setters gives you no advantage, then I agree that it's stupid. I was only taking the IAAF's word on that. From the Wiki on Marathons, I learned this IAAF record comparison thing is a rather new phenomenon, as all records, before the IAAF changed the rules in 2004, were

Good point. It doesn't necessarily matter if you would use two different devices because you might already have accessories that could be used with the Iphone if it were compatible with micro-USB.

Why can't the women and the men just run in the same race against each other? Of course, using male pace setters gives women an advantage over those women who didn't use male pace setters because top male runners run faster than top female runners. But comparing records is stupid anyways, (different coure, different

This is actually a pretty amusing way around the EU's legislation. There is absolutely no reason to desire this dongle unless you have some other devise that uses micro-usb that you plan to carry with your iPhone. Since the iPhone does most things you would want to do with devices of that size (camera, MP3, etc),

I'm not endorsing this particular view. [side note: most ethical systems utilize some form of the the end justifying the means, including utilitarianism, ethical egoism, altruism, and teleologism. it doesn't mean that all ends justify all means, only that some ends justify some means. that's ethics, moral calculous].

Haha. Fair enough.

Maybe. But by utilizing an utilitarian argument I could how it's possible: like she killed 6 people but she maximised the "good" of 300 million other Americans. See what I'm saying?

I'm simply asserting the high/low mixture is problematic. Both Liberals and Conservatives ad hominem the crap out of their political opponents. I expect this. People attack Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama as people because it's lot easier than having a serious political conversation about their positions. What I don't

You understand that everything said about Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama could be true and it would still be irrelevant to serious political issues, right? Michelle could be a serial killer and still be the best First Lady that the U.S. has ever had.

Reductio ad Trollum is when you accuse someone of being a troll so as to derail their argument. For instance, when someone satirizes your repugnant behavior, you could accuse that person of being a troll in order to silence further serious conversation. It's an informal logical fallacy of relevance. The fallacy is

It is irrelevant to serious political issues. It's ad hominem (an attack against the person in order to discredit the beliefs of the person attacked).