
Nah. I'll stick with the plastic red dixie cups. But thanks anyways.

@shimanopower: err yikes.. correction: 16,720 million or 16.7 billion. what am I smoking?

@Big-Tool: As a man with some experience running nude, I can tell you that the "flapping" is a problem. It's not comfortable, for sure.

lol that's so stupid. If you can't aim it like gun, it's retarded to shape it like a gun. Congrats on building the largest, most retarded controller ever.

@Alex Guichard: Nope, you're absolutely wrong. Nuclear does cost more than coal, natural gas, and, by some estimates, wind, but it's still way cheaper than solar. You can use my references above or even read masese_totes's amusing LCOE estimate above. According to his estimate, it would cost $16,720 billion dollars

@MikeK: Like I said above, solar is by far the most expensive energy source. The wiki article has a rather helpful table showing costs if you scroll down: []

@maese_tote: lol even with molten salt it only has a a capacity factor of 41%? Hilarious. I assume they have to use some fast fire natural gas to back the thing up, giving the plant a sizable carbon footprint too.

@mirrorball: You're wrong. Per MW, solar is, by far, the most expensive source of electricity to build. EIA cost projections: []

And nuclear is still cheaper.

@AndalusianCat: Good point, both on the time stamp and the age of the monitors.

I don't know how to explain the metadata, but the "undoctorced" photo still looks cool.

@gundalf: Doesn't Series 80 use Symbian?

@LightPress: Finally, just to address the point at the top of the thread, Lightpress, your argument is fallacious. This isn't the first incantation of the Iphone. The Iphone has had three consumer tested models, before this version of the Iphone. This Iphone is clearly based on the older models. Not to mention, they

@WilyFox: lol I just want to say I know "WilyFox" in real life and could be considered one of those "moron friends" he is describing, but Mr. Fox doesn't even come close to describing reality.

Wait... are all symbian phones smart phones? If not, wouldn't that be misleading to compare symbian sales to other smart phone sales?

that story is old. find something new.

lol I like how she blames the US engineers. Why is she speaking for Google if she doesn't have any information anyways?