How much?
How much?
@Facebook: because most people working at Gizmodo use macs?
@madisomi: man of ren: Religion is bull shit. Is that grammatically clear? The bible gives instructions on how to treat both your slaves and your livestock. Yeah, I think about those little pearls of wisdom all the time. Want wisdom? You can read Aristotle, or Nietzsche, or Doestoevsky. You don't read old, bigoted,…
Totally satisfied. And I thought Jobs was totally right in his criticism of the media too. It's overblown. You guys do spend too much time talking to each other.
From the CBS article on this:
I don't like anti-corporate tone. You appreciate the fact that's it through capitalism and a cut-throat determination to be the best, that you have shinny, glass, smart-phones that are capable of so much, right?
@92BuickLeSabre: I would stress "slight" and turn "thousands" into "thousands of morons." But, alas, I'm just one opinion. Sigh...
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Good point! Lasers just might work, unless it's a carbon dioxide laser, of course: []
Haha! A eco-friendly war machine would make a lot of sense! Kill the people and protect the planet at the same time! After the people are gone, the planet will be safe. I have no idea for whom or for what, but it would be safe.
Uhh... did you read what you wrote in your own article? A faulty USB does not necessarily mean the Iphone4 had anything to do with it. You guys should hire a logic checker.
I know those photos are beautiful. And I, too, have captured some of my best photos on my cellphone camera, because it's what I have on me most of the time. I think photographers put too much stock into having expensive cameras and lenses, as they contribute less than 1% to the awesomeness of the photo in most cases.
@MercerCh00x: This makes sense. It's a little bit of a struggle to use. But I still think it's unclear because it mentions mimicking the feeling of flipping through a magazine afterwards. That's not a critique of how well the media works but of how it feels to interact with it. He also mentions the "feel of high…
We, as consumers, can defeat this 3d trend!
when do the free bumpers ship?
How could you escape the sensation of "requiring 'work' to read"? Get rid of the text?
OMG, in the news report (the one embedded up above), they actually show the persons phone numbers! You can call her friends. That is so funny and so messed up.
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I think there are a lot of things that unequivocally or universally good. I just think that government is inherently poor at achieving all of those things. But, since this is late-night contemplative mode, let me for a minute make a more philosophic appeal, rather than a critique of the…
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I think my problem is with who chooses what the "good" is. I think a decentralized system, where individuals rather than government make decisions about what is best for them, leads to better outcomes. I think a centralized system that tries to tinker with incentives to achieve "long-term…
Reading some of the comments, I'm amazed that some people in the 21st century can still be so distrusting of free markets. The Iphone is worth whatever we value it to be worth. In capitalism, we trade value for value; my work for your work. And we're each free to decide what a given value is worth. It's efficient,…
I'm glad Obama is auctioning off more spectrum. Spectrum is like any other type of property. It should be sold in a free market to the highest bidder. And certainly shouldn't be controlled by bureaucrats who try to decide what the "public good" is.