
My area has their lacrosse, hockey and soccer split into “super serious” and “less competitive” categories for just that reason. The less competitive divisions are where the moderately sane parents put their kids in because it’s fun and they aren’t looking to mold their child into an NHLer or the next Pele. These

This is a well known method in the religious world as well. The abusive priest shell game. The pedo shuffle. As in the Boy Scout world. As in a variety of sports, arts (dance, acting) organizations that involve children.

Well, I mean they all have wives and daughters...fart sound.

Yep. I am sure the people who wield calculators got together with the people trained in legal things like liability and dummied up an extensive list of financial pros and cons and realized that despite her ability to bring in loads of cash via fundraising it wasn’t going to balance out all the lawsuits. I also wonder

I do not usually catastrophize or wish to scare for no reason, but both your doctors may have done you you a great disservice by not providing facts about this current crop of viruses. If you can get a shot, do it!

Yep. I didn’t assault them! I am not even attracted to women! I do this for my Art. I am exploring my own artistic boundaries by invading others’!

As a person who has taught 3 different tiny golden retriever puppies to both go up AND down stairs, I feel very qualified for hippo ramp work. Zoo people, I can only do one job at a time- you may start your bidding for my expertise now.

I would totally have this person on my team. You need a few people to trail behind and distract the zombies so you can get away. It’s the law of the herd and an excellent survival technique in many different species.

I can’t help but think Trump’s presidency has influenced the return to the 80's style of excess. Coke, big shoulder pads, gold everything, excess, etc.

Do you have any underlying complex health issue? That’s the only way I can see it being an issue. But I’d certainly check with both your docs as to why they say “no” first before getting the jab.

Thank you for presenting another way to explain that experience makes a difference and creates an emotional connection to something you could only try to imagine before. Like, knowing about the obstacles that disability brings is a sharp black and white photo. Experiencing those obstacles as a disabled person is the

Wow. You are a saint! When are you running for office? I mean, you seem to know what women (all women!) need by instinct and are fighting hard for them all. I mean, ethically, you could hardly judge others unless you know everything about everyone’s experience already- so you have a skill there that could take you

They were abusive in their own way. They may have known, but they were covering up their own shit and making sure the kids under their thrall continued being terrified to fail or gain weight- because that’s how you get the best out of kids. They learned that in Romania.

Cue lawsuits. Lots and lots of lawsuits. If she’s so great at fundraising, maybe she can turn her hand to raising enough to settle all the lawsuits coming her, her cohorts, and Michigan State’s way. If they’re not going to do the moral and correct thing and resign immediately, it’ll have to come down to legal issues

Well, here’s the thing- it doesn’t have to be set up for exploitation. That was entirely Franco’s choice. The women who attended thought they were learning how to handle a particular type of scene as an actor- because those scenes happen in film, tv and theatre and they can be tricky for a whole variety of reasons.

Choir Eternal concerts are always good.

I can hardly believe that she made the decision all on her own to move to Hollywood- uprooting her siblings and parents. That’s an adult decision that was made for her, yet she bore the responsibility for the success or failure for the entire family. They had everything riding on her 12 yr old shoulders. That is

Dad in particular. But the entire family is invested in making sure she keeps in work. They came from the UK and moved the entire family to LA to make sure she got an acting job. They either did bankrupt themselves, or almost did, before she got the part in Stranger Things. She is their only source of income. So her

Her dad is a fucking nightmare, from what I’ve read. Not Lohan levels of shittiness (yet?), but close.

Gifts from friends! She was house sitting, obviously....