
It’s been a whole load of firsts. So, while not exactly how Trump planned, he certainly will go down in history as the biggest (failure, crook), the best (flim flam man, GOP stooge), the most (ill prepared, racist, inept, etc, etc) president yet. Hooray!

I’ve seen it posted elsewhere, but I think it needs to be said over and over. The President and the GOP have majority in House and Senate and they STILL can’t sort their shit out. All they seem to be able to do is blame the Democrats. The US has a government that appears to be unable to govern even though they hold

As a former 22 year old, I can attest to this. I look back on that madness and am amazed I made it out alive. I was dumb, selfish, lacked empathy, did hateful things and hung out with terrible people, mismanaged what little money I had, took serious sexual risks and destroyed many relationships- umbrella term would be

We’ll call either situation practice for the End Times and know we’ll be fleet footed enough to escape the zombies/zealots/The Beast. Everyone else will just have to try keep up.

At some point in every single person’s life (barring some physical handicap) they have ran this distance before. And literally no one in recorded history has done it faster.

It’s definitely an important distinction.

Thank you! And I do mean that. Firing off that perfect sarcastic comment and feeling proud of the carefully crafted nuanced and humorous reply and expecting others to answer in kind- and then returning to find someone has taken you at your word and declared you a Terrible Person is a bit jarring.

Sad but true.

Oh! I thought the ladies just prevented the whole conception thing from happening by closing off their lady tubes and rerouting the baby seeds to a anti-rape baby holding tank till the next time she pees. Your theory, excuse me, FACT, makes more sense.

Yep. And an equal number of people who struggle with parsing tone online and eager to call people out before looking at posting history. It’s one of those things one has to reluctantly adopt in order to avoid a dogpile and to signal awareness that the current state of affairs is such that even the most bananas of


My best friend escaped from being called Ardeetoo (R D 2) by her then 4 yr old brother, who was a giant fan of Star Wars, but not old enough to get the name right. She ended up with a completely normal “top 10 names of 1973" name.

Please don’t forget that women can also prevent rape babies from happening via some internal mysterious lady plumbing sorcery.

According to many US lawmakers, women are baby hosts only. The fact that they can speak and are capable of independent thought a mere inconvenience at best, an affront to all men, at worst. 

Jesus. The sheer entitlement and self centredness is absolutely breathtaking.

Right? A simpler time, instead of simpler people.

I have heard of one person who had a fatal heart attack as a result of the shock and stress of it.

Thank you for your kindness. It was surreal. I’ve had rushes of adrenaline before, but this was next level. And I wasn’t even under direct threat. I can only imagine how terrified the Hawaiian folk were. It was a wake up call.

I think we need to get past the “Eating Tide pods is awesome. No eating? How about vaping them? OK! No, wait, they’re actually suppositories.” challenge before we can hit the collective self reflection stage. I have hopes for the human race, but sometimes it looks a bit grim.

I saw zero contradiction- more a reframing of the concept. It provided some food for thought and I really appreciate it.