
He’s some sort of viral marketing for another “V” reboot.

I have learned so many new concepts over the last year or two. GamerGaters. Incels. MGTOW. MRA. Red Pillers, Proud Boys. The common thread seems to be they can’t find anyone willing to fuck them so they make “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” signs and have their own clubhouses where they can talk about it and how it’s all the

Uh, basically there’s no movement involved except for insertion. Then you just...lie there. I am assuming in missionary position.

If you’re talking about Tapper and his treatment of Miller, I agree. I wonder how it’s being dealt with behind closed doors- frothing at the mouth, gnashing of the teeth, vein popping outrage. Can’t wait to see the official presidential response on Twatter tomorrow morning.

Right? She’d actually bring dignity to the office.

You’re absolutely right. You don’t have to know everything, but you do need to recognize when you need to learn a thing.

I thought the exact same thing. I would also like her friend George Clooney to be VP. I don’t care if either of them have no political experience. They would not take to Twitter to tell people their dicks are bigger as a way to spark nuclear war to distract from criminal activities. So they are already better than who

He’s going to need more gold paint though.

I CAN’T WAIT!!! Seriously. This gives the crooked media another week to get their “for your consideration” billboards and full page requests in. Also, as not all the potential crooked media people can be there in person to collect their awards, there’s still time to make a video acceptance speech.

I’ve been a gigantic fan for years. There’s just something about the cargo trucks in particular that I find absolutely elating to watch. How do you watch it? Online? Or are you fortunate enough to live in a country that has decent coverage?

To further clarify, the organizers were willing to stay in Africa, but couldn’t get anyone to insure.

While I don’t agree someone needs to die for the bike category to be interesting, I do agree about the trucks. Too bad NBC coverage gives them about 2 minutes for their half hour race highlights. The cargo trucks deserve more.

Naw- I was out of derby by then. I retired May 2013- I’d been playing for 8+ years by then and appear to have joggled my brain one too many times.  

Yep. I was wondering about players who went the other way (from derby to speed skating- short or long track). I’ve watched games and played against former speed skaters- short track ones- so it doesn’t surprise me that there may be more traffic going in the other direction, given the skill levels of the juniors I see

Dammit. I missed the reference to being a jammer somehow and can’t edit. I take my question back! Super awesome all her hard work and training has paid off. I expect she’ll be an inspiration for other young athletes to try out speed skating if they have access to it.

Weird how they always condemn others for the behaviour they exhibit themselves. And it’s astounding that they expect to get away with it. Mind you, so far, they have got away with it.

I thought the same thing. But I bet it would be hard to keep the hitting on the dl for a derby player. And no one can tell me there isn’t hitting in short track- the skill just seems to lie in making contact look incidental.

Am I missing any discussion on her being a derby player? Cuz I know she is that as well. I know short track speedskaters have made the transition to derby, but not sure if any, aside from her, have made the transition the other way.

Eh. Maybe you’re forgetting that not everyone in the world is American and that many other nations are enthusiastic about sports that Americans are not. And here’s the thing, the Olympics are an international competition and don’t just have American centric events.

“...what more did we need to know that Bozo was unhinged?”