
I think if we just wait, it might happen. He’s applying his finger guns to the keyboard today on Twitter and it is glorious.

Sounds like he’s using his finger guns on Twitter to good effect today. (And, by good effect, I mean convincingly bananas) Almost there!

It took me practicing that 5 times to make it sound right. It really does roll off the tongue nicely.

While that’s an excellent timeline, I prefer the one where he experienced a complete meltdown on national live TV and was reduced to tears and repeating bingbingbingBONG and making gun shooty fingers at April Ryan because she was there and may have moved her head in an offensive way.

I am sure the #freejinger movement is highly disappointed that she married a dude. I saw some serious push that she was gay.

I would have joined the military if it meant I got to wear a uniform like hers. I was a very shallow 18 yr old.

Oh my god. You are totally talking about my mother in law.

Well, he’s signed on for eleventy billion years. That’s a whole lot of years of auditing to go.

I used to read the Wizard of Oz books- one of the characters was a General JinJur, so I see nothing wrong with the name either!

GOD. Just once it would be great to say something about Darwinism at work and be right. You want raw water folks? GREAT. Drink gallons. Maybe mix some recalled soylent in there too for vitamins. Feel superior about your life choices and your uneducated pseudo-libertarian bullshit. Stop trying to ruin everyone else’s

I was going to say- that’s great for enemas and douching too!

I have two goldens that deeply deeply love snow to play in. But my girl dog doesn’t like the cold on her nether regions when she squats to pee. She has herself a terrible uti now because she was clenching in the snow, poor little girl. The boy (who I might add, ALSO squats to pee) has zero issue because he’s a total

Him too. I have a terrible feeling that Lohan learned young that her worth to the people around her was not just in her acting skills on the screen.

I bet they already know ALL about it. But as long as he keeps the tithing $$ coming they’ll keep excusing him. It’s clear the SC are incredibly tolerant when it comes to the stars in their famous people stables. I’d be amazed if they haven’t helped him disappear issues in the past.

It’s ok. I am an enthusiastic consumer of the worst reality shows. I loved the Duggars’ show till the pedophilia came to light.

Agreed! It was a way to prove power and exhibit disrespect to his competitors too. A two for one. Like, so powerful and with so many connections that he can rape/assault his peers’ daughters with zero punishment. That’s an extra facet of exercised power to this absolute gem of a guy. I am positive his internal mantra

I’ve got one of those. My guy looks like he’s in a perpetual state of demented glee. My sister narrowed the reason down to “His eyes are too close together.” and she was absolutely right.

JESUS. You have to warn people first!

Babou looks absolutely outraged at something. Tell me, did you not ask her for permission first before taking her photo and posting it to to Intertubes for all and sundry to see? tsk

This is where I start thinking about Lindsay Lohan. She did not get so fucked up all by herself. Add in the complete shit show horror that her parents were and you have a pretty decent recipe for disaster. They seem like the type to deliver her fully gift wrapped to someone like Weinstein.