
I plan to watch from bed. With a bottle of champagne and maybe some orange juice. These things always happen super early in the morning due to the time difference and I will not get out of bed for it! 

Sheer joy in spectacle! Fun. Entertainment. You know, good things!

Right? Uh, dude, good that you didn’t touch her, but you stood and watched while she was sexually assaulted. You were party to, and encouraging, sexual crimes against a minor. A minor, who by the way, had been drugged.

“I am now going to impose my personal health beliefs and really expensive holistic lifestyle designed for and by highly evolved humans such as myself on dog shelters.” Because dog shelters are absolutely not struggling with expenses, supplies, adequate funding and volunteer man hours, MOBY. Jesus dude. Donate some

The remaining 10% is also bad. Very bad.

I wonder if the GOP is aware that they would likely win more support by cleaning house, returning to normal (if conservative) fiscal plans and courting a saner voting base. They are standing on a burning platform and appear to prefer complete immolation, all while denying anything is on fire.

Also, I assume you have watched Schitt’s Creek- where both Eugene and his son both sport their signature eyebrows in a most animated fashion.

Came here to say the same thing. But would like to add that I can easily be convinced it’s delicious by someone who has encountered apple parmesan pie because goddamn I love food.

I have a Pentecostal father in law who does exactly what you have described when praying over people (sans the “o” face, but with a kind of entire body quake instead). And it is NOT COOL.

I fully admit this one scares me. Apparently N Korean fishermen keep washing up on Japanese shores. I actually said to my husband the last time this happened a couple days ago that this would be an outstanding way to introduce disease to an unsuspecting population.

I highly recommend you follow the Twatter account @JoelDongsteen. There you will find both the left and the right hand are in agreement.

Saw both Baby Driver and Logan Lucky. If you want to see a decent heist movie, Logan Lucky is the superior film. It was brilliant, heart warming, hilarious and the plot was unexpectedly twisty. Totally didn’t anticipate how good it was going in. The various cameos of some super unexpected people were also a joy.

I feel as though he would be easily steered into a resignation if someone would tell him he could announce to the citizens of the USA that they were fired, or that he was dropping them as clients because this development project (leading the USA to its doom) was unworkable.

Jesus! 12" hatpins? Can you imagine what damage you could do with a foot long spike of flexible sharp steel? Even when it was limited to 9"...You could definitely hit bones and organs with a 9" spike. Those ladies didn’t fuck around.

So, really, nothing has changed at all. It’s just the same, but with less hatpins now. This definitely needs to change.

I fantasize often about wielding a hat pin and stabbing any fucker who encroaches on my space. Sadly, jazzy little fascinators don’t go with my usual uniform of ratty jeans and sweaters.

Glad I’m not the only one who thought this..

“Those women need to keep their jobs, and all women need to be able to work, to be able to thrive, without fear...”

Wow. Thank you for the link. That’s...something. Beautifully written.

Yep. Patterns are what they are looking at. Those singular incidents are the capstone to years of the same behaviour.