Oh, I like it!
Oh, I like it!
Being in control. Using whatever it takes. The less in control they feel, the more violent the attempts to claim it.
“Everybody’s got their something.”
Yep. I took the bait and I’m usually better than that. Shit.
Now, come on...who wouldn’t want an in-person welcoming hug from Jesus? He’s waiting at the Gate!
Favorite term for a zealously religious person is “god botherer”.
But...but...they’re in a better place now! And the trip up was shorter because they were in a church! Which, I am sure, is a huge consolation for everyone who witnessed the killing or were left with an empty spot in their lives where a loved one used to dwell.
Fear is a powerful motivator. And there is a very valid and repeatedly proven expectation that leaving an abusive spouse is deadly. When a woman faces a choice between being harmed in a relationship or killed for ending it, she’ll pick the less deadly option and stick with an abusive spouse.
They are still examining the brain of the dude who shot up the concert in Las Vegas. They are looking so hard for mental illness they’re down to cellular level. Anything to avoid confronting the fact that automatic weapons and/or bump stocks increase the number of dead and should not be made available to the public.
“Let’s shoot each other some love...”
It’s funny how I can very easily envision this. LIKE DOMINOES!
My friends, we have the very definition of a sea lion on our hands. Mr Sweet James is getting all sorts of discomfited with the idea that women aren’t responsible for the work he needs to do. It’s called research, but someone would like us to do some spoon feeding.
That’s ridiculous advice. Way too simple. Does not compute.
Women are autonomous human beings. They are not a thing to pick up and handle because you think they look good. They are not window displays advertising goods and services. You are not in a store and handling a product to see if you feel like buying it. You don’t get free samples.
Not only is cannabis effective for pain, it’s also neuroprotective. They should be bending over backwards making sure these guys get the weed they need to counteract all the damage they’re doing playing a sport that is a money factory for the owners. Degenerative brain disease as a result of inflammation and impact…
No. Because then they couldn’t move the goal posts as needed to duck responsibility the next time. And the time after that. etc
His head would explode attempting to parse that.
Already forgotten! The guy was crazy, what can you do? No one can predict that kind of thing...
Mental Health Issues is an excellent reason, according to these guys, to justify a lack of government action. Mental Health Issues are considered a personal weakness or failing, and used as an excuse instead of any sort of thing the government might be responsible for. Like “The guy was crazy. What can you do?” (shrug)
Please please please let there be footage of him complaining his fish is not cooked, and what the hell is all this green stuff anyhow...PLEASE