
But being pushed into power means the guys are responsible for her success though. Isn’t it nice they gave her the opportunity? What lucky ladies. Thanks Ben!

Hey now. Since when are we applying logic to the equation?

Their (far right, Nazis) attempts to pin it on Antifa remain unchecked today. For arbiters of morality and decency, they sure use a lot of energy trying to convince people with straight up lies.

I had a neighbour like that. We asked for them to change the angle so it wouldn’t be so bad, but they told us their landlord insisted it remain for security purposes. Turns out their landlord got tired of having to replace the mysteriously broken lightbulb on a weekly basis. He held out for 13 weeks before giving up.

Yes. I apologize. That was an unfair statement. I painted a very broad stroke (which was lazy and unfair of me). I married into a a family where many of them are Evangelical/Pentecostal, and my experience with those folk is very different than my experience with members of other denominations. Part of it is my

That is exactly as I had envisioned it.

“It’s maddening.”

Aw shit. It’s close to bedtime here and this is likely what’s going to be my last thought before closing my eyes. Awkward.

OK. Came back to ask what your thoughts are on who in that bunch would be Dolly and who would be Kenny for “Islands in the Stream”?

Right? How money do you think the NRA forked over for that to get buried? The entire thing astounds me.

The neighbour’s wife has some pretty terrible taste, if that’s the case.

The neighbour Hulked out and threw the lawnmower. Really, it’s Rand Paul’s fault for not catching it properly.

This is a strangely specific and disturbing scenario. I like it.

I want to know how this went down. Was Paul on the ground and the neighbour stomped him? Was he upright and the neighbour just tackled him down by the waist? Was the lawnmower involved?

I laughed way too hard at this.

This seems to be a long simmering dispute. It’s likely the fact Rand Paul is Republican just made the neighbour hate him more- or Paul was all “I’m really important you know. Don’t fuck with me. I do what I want.” Maybe the conflict is more along the lines that Paul is an asshole and has an automatic light that shines

He remains cute, no matter how much of an asshole he is. He seems to think it makes him endearing.

Well, HE sure thinks so. And really, it’s all about him. Even the dogs won’t argue with him.

There are numbers to back the whole damn thing up too. The connection between “gun rights” and racism is solid. But when has logic and data ever entered into the picture with gun fanatics?

In case someone is under the impression gun rights and the NRA totally controlling the gun control narrative right now is not deeply rooted in racism: