ME TOO! Maybe that’s the real reason they’re back together?
ME TOO! Maybe that’s the real reason they’re back together?
That would be the wisest option. She deserves better than Bieber.
Nope. I wasn’t floor lickin’ drunk yet, so I had to just let it go...
Really, what more can you ask for? Actual recognition of queer folk’s humanity is a pretty high bar, you know. Don’t ask for too much- it’s greedy.
It never is. Talking about it means they have to take responsibility for it, and they are not prepared. All the sweet sweet NRA money would get cut off- they have a pool to heat and mistresses/toyboys to pay off.
Unthinkable! I just can’t wrap my head around it. It’s just so unusual. I mean, when was the last time this kind of thing happened?
Plus dice with more than 6 sides. That shit is straight up daunting. How do you even decide which dice to use? (Don’t answer, I won’t “get it”- my brain doesn’t work that way. I am a Boring Person)
My semi-adult offspring is a DM for a group of friends and he puts DAYS into the background, makes sketches of weapons, maps and characters, and does a huge amount of research for each session. It’s pretty amazing. Most of the time I’m thinking “For fuck’s sake, kid- if you put HALF the amount of effort into real life…
I hate that this is also the first thing I thought. Trump has already offered condolences, so I have an assumption about who was killed and who was doing the killing.
I really should stop giving people the benefit of the doubt. Intellectually lazy is common amongst the religious. Happy to be spoon fed how to behave and what to believe, while making no effort to think critically. ugh
The irony would be lost on the people who think “It’s ok to be white” signs are needed. They don’t want to know.
Just because “it” isn’t easy any more doesn’t mean you’re being persecuted. It means you have to work to earn it. And you are in equal competition with every other person out there. That’s not persecution or discrimination- it’s equality. There are non-whites who have grown up knowing they have to be 1000 times better…
Yep. Good call.
The Good News Bible is an absolute delight too! It’s the one the looks like it’s written for kids, complete with little sketches, but is used heavily by adults who don’t like/understand the big words.
Pretty sure his courting consists of texting“U up?” at 2am.
Can’t have enough ready made desperate cheap labor babies, hey? At least he’s honest. Think about the economy! All these kids born into precarious situations will be begging to work to survive when they hit the labor market. You hardly have to pay them anything!
Attention? A cookie for being so tolerant?
He calls Elizabeth Warren that for some reason. And, he is, indeed, racist as fuck.
Once upon a time “Apoplexy” meant having a stroke.