
I would think Ronan Farrow is actually using his privilege to good effect. He would be harder to discredit, given his connections and his social/financial situation, and is getting the word out about the firmly entrenched network of predators in the entertainment industry.

Somebody’s getting the human contact he needs today! Sad that it’s via the comments section of a website, and sad that they had to state something ridiculous in order to get the attention they crave.

Thought the same thing.

Yep. Came here to say this. I forgot about her in my list. Messy drunk. Unpredictable. Difficult. Prima donna. etc etc. Fuck those guys and their very successful campaign to discredit the women they hurt.

Make sure you have something on hand to mop up the tears. “This is Us” is amateur hour compared to “Terms of Endearment”.

Tyrese appears to be going through a full manic episode. Hope the court takes his online and real world behaviour as proof he needs medical help.

How about the “It’s So Complicated. I Mean You Don’t Even Know, But Trust Me, It’s Great” Bill?

This is my expectation. Many people I admire or think are excellent artists, great film makers, musicians, politicians and so on will be added to the running list. I will likely be surprised at many of them. Joss Whedon was, indeed, a surprise when he was exposed a while back, for example. All the rocks are getting

He hasn’t even egged peed in a bucket in, like, totally a really long time. And that mooning incident in Mexico was not like him. It’s just not who he is. He really examined himself after that expression of youthful hijinks and admits he’s flawed, but Jeebus forgives him.

Will attest to that.

Burn it all down, Wednesday!

I saw that masterclass on Interviewing Someone Who Wants to Lie to You by Joy Reid and it was GLORIOUS.

Her essay was part of an art history class I took way back in my college years. We had an amazing prof who was also part of the Womens’ studies dept, so she had a particular slant to her teaching. We had one redneck in the class who was so incensed at having to learn about “chick stuff” he got into a shouting match

I admit to being amazed that people who wish to argue semantics in such a particular subject hang out in Jezebel comment sections just waiting to make sure people know there are different flavours of sexual attraction towards minors. Why, it’s an absolute hive of people just dying to educate us on the difference

Key phrase in the above is “...having sex with a 14-year old minor would legally be paedophilia...”

Thank you. Not cast aspersions (actually, I do) but several seem to be particularly insistent, to the point of being weird about it. Like it’s personal or something.

Also, she places the burden squarely on you to receive that apology. If you don’t meet her, it’s because you can’t accept an apology and are, as a result, unreasonable. She tried!

Yep. dismiss dismiss dismiss. Pretty weird to get hung up on words instead of confronting the actual issue of an older man preying on kids, and then deflecting by coming out. It’s “alternate facts” level of distraction.

If they did, they’d definitely have something to say about all that patriotic humping they’re exposed to.

Yeah- the message I got from that was “I even let him onto property I own!”