God, that’s beautiful.
God, that’s beautiful.
Holy shit- I had 5 people all tell me in the comments section that pedophilia is the wrong word to use because the kid was actually a teenager and that the whole gay thing would not be an issue because only some conservatives believe being gay=pedophile. The justification and “Well actually...” was unexpected.
Good catch- I didn’t notice that. His statement is all sorts of wrong and will only serve as fodder for anti-gay rhetoric.
Landon and Baby Rock get my votes. But the Young Hidden Figures have my heart.
Jesus. It’s an incredibly weird time to be alive when a person’s defense to being accused of pedophilia is to come out. So, basically reinforcing the conservatives’ idea that Gay= Pedophile. AWESOME. Just really excellent. Do we clap at his bravery now? Fuck this guy.
The Daily Mail really tried to make it stick a few years ago. Sadly, nothing came of it. Not that I wish the Daily Mail success in anything.
He is stalking his own child. He needs to be stopped. It’s incredibly disturbing.
Perhaps the next species who survive to develop technology will mine the resulting fields of petroleum deposits some time in the far future.
I saw a statement somewhere else that basically said that every piece of plastic ever manufactured still exists today in some form or another- and will continue to exist, even in microscopic particle form, till humans are all but a shitty memory. We are being terrible stewards of the Earth- slumlords and absentee…
Ronan Farrow is doing a fucking excellent hatchet job on these dudes. He’s creating an opening for it all to be hit by sunlight. I can’t help but think he’s taking on the entire structure as a way to get to Woody Allen. I admire Ronan’s perseverance. These dudes created a wall of silence to protect people like Woody…
ME TOO! What went through my mind “Why don’t they put what they’re supposed to be on the gd pictures? How am I supposed to know what they are?”
Who think wearing golf shirts is the height of classy.
Jesus. Morrissey. It was fine when I was 15, 16, 17 and could feel all the angsty feels he projected- but then I grew up. It seems that Morrissey has not grown up and is as petulant and self centred as ever. My 18 yr old kid is less teenagery than Morrissey- who is a middle aged man.
But it’s ok though. She is honoring it. She’s the Right Kind of proud American, so it’s appropriate.
She’s pretty thirsty.
Will cosign this.
Every day is LARPing!
Reading in to some of the footage and comments from Chrystia Freeland, she’s not there to cave. She’s been pretty up front and has no problem contradicting or clarifying reports about how things are going. She’s also made it clear that Mexico is not the red headed stepchild in this and seems to be aligned with Mexico…
That’s incredibly appropriate.
I hate Harper with all my heart. I couldn’t even listen to his voice. His interference with federal negotiations on an international level is absolutely criminal.