
Yep. I really believe it depends on what the set up was when they were kids. Were their parents present? Was there any sort of choice for the kids to stop once it became a source of stress or they didn’t want to do it any more. Were they considered a money maker for the family and placed in risky situations just to

If she’s anything like her compatriots, she’s not going to hand out candy to little kids. They need to learn that nothing is for free and they need to WORK for it. Those kids are learning to live on handouts from the State and the swamp must be drained. BOOTSTRAPS, etc, etc.

Sometimes people don’t know they are a carrier till it’s too late. Not your fault!

Because they are multifaceted assholes.

Yeah. That was my thought. I always told my child-In a fight, the kid who throws the first punch or “starts” something doesn’t get caught. Law of Sod dictates the kid who responds gets caught. Next time you want to educate someone, kid, do it off site.

Jesus. This poor guy. I absolutely believe him. I always have. He’s entirely bananas as well. He has some weird ideas (his Angels business is problematic).

I have the good fortune to know a couple of Kiwi ex-pats. One thing I learned from them is that a “growler” does not mean the same thing to them as it does us (Canadian). What we think of as an appropriately large container for craft beer is a euphemism for a very hairy vagina in NZ. This will continue to amuse me

I was thinking more along the lines of a mass produced one, cleverly named, as a way for the parent mega-company to insert product in the growing craft beer and microbrewery market.

I don’t know, but Canada was just diagnosed with one. I’m not sure what the treatment is- excision possibly?

Our new one just arrived last week. I can’t wait.

Have we moved beyond “telling it like it is”? I still haven’t recovered from that.


Also they pronounce “deck” like “dick”, which never fails to give me the giggles.

I SAID YOU WERE GOOD LOOKING. God. What’s wrong with you?

Well, they’re not Mexicans, ok?

I hear the silvers are the group that has the fastest growing rates of sti’s these days. Sounds like they’re all having a whole lot of fun in their old age. Not that rampant and untreatable gonorrhea in nursing homes is fun.

First year in the wild is the hardest.

There’s a local place here that rents out rollerskates, and will come to you if you want a rollerskating party and have a place that allows for wheels. Is that a good alternative?

I remember wanting to stay 18 for the rest of my life. I still wish it were so, 25 years later.

It was also me. But I made sure to have a good long run-up to it. 22 was pretty messy too.