I know! Hard to believe, right?
I know! Hard to believe, right?
It occurs to me that over 500 people are likely to have some pretty hefty medical bills as a result of this. Hospitals should be billing the NRA and the GOP for every person that passes through their doors. Any insurance companies involved should be trying to recoup costs too.
I did quietly admire their flaxen locks when they were a “thing”. But that was the extent of my admiration. I was going through a Manchester Sound phase at the time and the Nelson Bros were very Not Cool to me because I was a snob.
My eyebrows climbed into my hairline at these. GOOD FOR HER.
That is the only kind of political conversation deemed to be acceptable by those in power. The other kind of politics, the type that doesn’t fit the NRA’s agenda and is deemed unacceptable and not sensitive to those who experienced loss should never be spoken of- things like outlining why gun control conversation…
I’m waiting for them to champion using landmines for property protection. It’s not far off, given their pr contortions for lobbying for using silencers and armor piercing ammo.
Kind of wondering when they’ll escalate it to reducing restrictions on things like landmines and rocket launchers. I mean, a citizen has a right to protect their own property , right?
Wait for a bit- that salmonella outbreak will definitely happen soon too. However, the long term neurological stuff caused by lax industrial/manufacturing safety requirements will be slow to roll out and won’t get really serious for a few decades yet. FUN!
Fuck that guy. Guns make sure a person with intent to hurt and kill can really make it a large volume event. Yes, domestic terrorists can use other weapons, including cars and knives- but for sheer volume, efficiency and short period of time in which to harm as many folks as possible, a gun is the best (ugh) tool.…
My response to anyone who rolls out the “Now is not the time for politics.” bullshit- Now is exactly the time to talk politics. Politics is EXACTLY how this happened. Politics is EXACTLY how more events like this will continue to happen. Mass shootings are a result of politics. Toddlers shooting their grandmas by…
Warmest condolences and a golf trophy dedication, according to Trump.
Just another Vegas show, right? I heard Cirque du Soleil was in on it.
I do believe the correct term is “lone wolf”. Which, weirdly enough, makes it seem faintly heroic and admirable sounding. Which it is not. Fuck these guys. Fuck the NRA and their campaigning and pr bullshit for something that is designed to do one thing- kill.
I mean, all those bad guys from Chad and all. Jeezus.
Great. Now I have to find out whatever happened to these guys. I forgot they existed and now I must know what they’ve been doing since I forgot about them.
Yep. It’s all about comparison. Trudeau is better than Harper- but it wasn’t that hard because Harper was a nightmare dressed up in a bland and poorly fitting human suit.
“...being white as one reason why we can’t “yet” call this terrorism.”
Plus cheap everything, including property and labour.
Or they view them as pseudo- Americans. Not REAL Americans, like the ones who live on the mainland. Like, Puerto Ricans and Virgin Islanders are second tier and live off American goodwill and exist solely to provide nice beaches and hotels for tourists. Bootstraps and all that. Why can’t they save themselves?
I am absolutely positive someone had to explain to Trump that Puerto Rico is part of the US, and that its citizens are American citizens. I guarantee he had no idea.