
In the several years I’ve been reporting, I have yet to be successful. And I’m talking calls for targeted violence, rape threats, doxxing and graphic animal cruelty. Fuck FB and Twitter.

I also doubt it was the first time such a thing ever happened. Shaking down street vendors who have no legal recourse (indeed, it’s likely they fear to complain due to a lack of American citizenship as well) is good coin- and totally sanctioned by City and police.

Has anyone pointed out the irony of him taking pictures of people seated during the anthem? He sure as shit was not singing along and pondering about his own deep love and attachment to anthem and flag- he was too busy policing others.

I’d stop you at the term “cosmetic”. This is not the case. Aligning genitalia to actual gender is not cosmetic.

Yes. I would forgive anyone for anything as long as they also voted for adorable baby Fiona.

This is sound logic. I support!

Plus, it should be noted, they are notorious for the large size of their genitals.

Clearly I wasn’t a part of the discussion. I take such things Very Seriously.

My husband is currently testing this out by shouting “Big Giant Cock” into his enabled microphone. Sadly, nothing interesting has come up yet.

I live in hope.

This is also good porn.

I have heard of a few incidences of unexplained phenomena from pals and relatives who are nurses- fascinating stuff. I am really torn here though- faith healing is a scourge, straight up. I am a member of the ALS community, and I know of multiple people who were taken for a ride and lost a lot of cash because they

If you had asked me that when I was a new mother, I would have told “mommy porn” would be me watching someone else (anyone- I have no standards) clean my house, do laundry and change diapers while I rest for just one fucking minute.

One of Trump’s responses after the towers went down was to comment that he now had the tallest building in New York. He’s a really great guy.

I second the motion.

And taxes. He solved the tax problem.

It’s an important distinction to make. Though high heeled online bullying is an absolute scourge, it’s not as bad as, say, sockless deck shoe bullying.

Being righteously taken to task by a 14 yr old for bad manners has GOT to be humiliating. Someone needs to take some etiquette lessons.


Aw. I am so sorry for your loss. They take up so much room in your heart, eh? Thank you for giving a wonderful life to two deserving doggos.