
I’m following the Guardian live coverage and they just posted Tampa was not in the direct path according to projection. I sincerely hope this is your experience- seeing as how they’re in the UK and may be a bit hazy on some things. Also, please don’t slice your achilles tendon. That sounds like it would hurt AND cause

Be safe! Please don’t take any huge risks. I wish you all the safety. I hope the worst of it passes you by and it’ll just be a tiny bit exciting instead of terrifying.

A friend of mine was accepted as a new mama for a rescue dog after losing her beloved golden a few weeks ago. She needed to pick the dog up across the border in Seattle. While getting her stuff together she realized her passport had expired. I volunteered to pick the new doggo up for her- which I will be doing

I think it’s very NOT right wing to wish harm upon those who hurt and neglect animals that depend on us for their lives and care. I firmly believe it’s righteous and apolitical. Even right wingers can be decent folk (not that you would think so these days) who care for all creatures. It’s human decency!

As long as you have it all on hand for when/if your dog gets skunked. Chances are, it’ll be during that last pee of the night, when you’ve had a few drinks and it’s pissing rain and weren’t paying attention. My dog bounced up to the skunk who sprayed him because he just LOVES kitties and stripy outside cats are the

Do they get a wallet card or anything? I guess they’re easy enough to spot in the wild, but...

I feed my dogs and cat chicken and turkey necks all the time. Will support this description.

Crocodile tears, the fucker.

Even if these guys have zero morals, they HAVE to know what constitutes sexual harassment, inappropriate and unprofessional conduct and straight up sexual assault. They KNOW what it all is. They report on it. They sure as shit have opinions on it. No doubt they’ve had to attend “sensitivity” training. Their friends

FFS. I love pumpkin pie. But I’m going to have to stop loving it because it’s ridiculous and over the top now. I LIKED IT FIRST. Get off my lawn.

Yep. That’s another, entirely different 80's/90's palette- red, grey and black, with gold highlights. GOD. SO awful.

I think part of it is the minty freshness? I’m inclined to do it all-peroxide, etc, etc- and then top it off with Listerine as a final rinse.

Holy crap. Thank you. You made me revisit and I saw So. Much. More. Thank you. And I am serious about that. Why has no one mentioned the bathroom photo with the pink dick bowl?


There was no amount of hairspray that would keep my curly hair up in bangs. It was wishful thinking only (like, the pain of it is still real to me after 30 years). The 90's on the other hand were good to me because I had big kinky type hair.

Betcha they stink like burning crayons.

I would have been cheering you on and paying your legal fees if you’d managed to rid the world of one animal abuser.

The local animal control keeps giant jugs of Listerine on hand for skunk spray. Apparently that’s the secret weapon. If animal control uses it, that’s a ringing endorsement to me! I wish I’d known before going through 2 litres of vinegar, baking soda and peroxide. All of which combined to make the dog less smelly, but

You’re absolutely correct. I forgot about that! Sorry!

No one ever said teenagers were reasonable and logical. As a former teenager myself, I pulled some seriously idiotic, dangerous shit for a whole variety of reasons including “I don’t know, I just felt like it.” It’s the job of adults to help kids limit the damage they do to themselves till they get their brains back